Adjustable cutting depth carbide primer pocket tool


1- Tony's book (p. 151) mentions an adjustable cutting depth carbide tool for cutting a uniform depth primer pockets such that when seated, the primers are .003" deeper than flush. Who makes this tool and what is the maker's contact info? I need one.

2-Inside flash hole chamfering- most tools for this operation that I know of, also enlarges the flash hole to about .0625" while chamfering the inside flash hole.
Who makes a tool that just chamfers but does not enlarge the Lapua flash hole?

Comments & info appreciated.
Sinclair sells both tools as does Midway, I believe. At least they used to. They both have catalogs on-line.

I think I have both of what you are looking for. I'd probably sell them.

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I think chamfering the inside is a waste of time but can't imagine anybody that thought it a good thing wouldn't expand that thought to uniform diameter flash holes....and length. Whatever you choose, your aggs won't get smaller for the effort. Yeah, I know...peace of mind and all that stuff.

You can use a small drill bit to break off that little "goober". Just give it a bit of feel till it hangs and then put pressure on it for a half turn. Clamp the bit in vise grip pliers and have at it. Once you get the goober removed you can turn the case with your fingers until it feels smooth as the point of the drill will locate in the flash hole.
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Isn't the Wright tool simply a pocket cleaner? I don't believe it is (was) adjustable either.

Isn't the Wright tool simply a pocket cleaner? I don't believe it is (was) adjustable either.

I've accumulated 4-5 different brands of these tools and all the ones I have are adjustable. My favorites are the ones Wally Hart makes. One Hart is a knurled hand operated tool and the other Hart goes in a drill chuck.
I stand corrected. I must be thinking of something else.

One of the great things about BR Central is that we have a bunch of really old guys who can tell us about the good old days. The ones that can remember, that is.

Now I forgot what the IP question was. ;)

Oh yeah. What was the Croca-Gator? Was that a non-adjustable version or am I thinking of something else, again?

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1- Tony's book (p. 151) mentions an adjustable cutting depth carbide tool for cutting a uniform depth primer pockets such that when seated, the primers are .003" deeper than flush. Who makes this tool and what is the maker's contact info?
Sinclair's are not presently adjustable. But K&M's are:

2-Inside flash hole chamfering- most tools for this operation that I know of, also enlarges the flash hole to about .0625" while chamfering the inside flash hole. If you find a solution, let us know
Who makes a tool that just chamfers but does not enlarge the Lapua flash hole?
I don't know of any 'uniformers' that chamfer without a cutter in the flash hole.
My Whitetail primer pocket uniformer is solid carbide. None of the three that I own is adjustable. I do have an adjustable one and it ain't a Whitetail,Dick Wright,.On the flash holes. .0625 is only about .002 larger than as bought Lapua. Most primer removing tools need .0625 so they don't stick in the brass. The only thing it helps is what is in your head.
Neither of my 2 Whitetails are adjustable.
Dan Batko

"Where are we going and why am I in this basket?"
Unless they've changed in the last 10-12 years, the Whitetail is adjustable. I just checked the toolbox and both are adjustable. Everything of mine is old, especially my friends like Jerry. I had to say that before he did/does.

I have two. The original and one from Russ. Neither is adjustable. Also have one from Skip Otto that is.
Slickest tool I have for the flash hole was sold by K&M. It has a 1/16th drill bit and a chamfering collar all in one, and a chemferred stop that fits the mouth of the case to eliminate hand wobble.
I have the same K&M primer pocket tool. Mine adjusts fine...just loosen the set screw and the cutter adjusts. I believe the tool is set at .122", I have mine adjusted to .1235" to barely square up Lapua sr pockets.
Unless they've changed in the last 10-12 years, the Whitetail is adjustable. I just checked the toolbox and both are adjustable. Everything of mine is old, especially my friends like Jerry. I had to say that before he did/does.

Whats yo mean old Bro?? Just because I still carry my WW I draft card, that doesn't make me old!!

(Must be another Jerry on here??)
My oldest one is 1995 and the others came in the early 2000's. and none of them are adjustable. Maybe they made both.
The Hart tool works well but get the carbide cutter.
I didn't and soon will.

I use that tool daily and see it has a setscrew, but I will be darned if I can get depth to adlust, have you ever actually adjusted yours ?
Of Sinclair I have these, the handle setscrew is only to hold the one-piece cutters.

I prefer K&M for pockets, flash holes, and mouth chamfering.
Sinclair for expansion, turning and measurement tools.
Oh I like that we can post pics without a picture server now!
And if you click on that litte icon pic in the post, it expands to size!
Just sayin... I like..