Accuracy at 100 for long range


I often wonder about what the 100-200 yard groups are or would be for some of the long range guns.
Looking at the MOA some of the groups shot are it would seem that they could/should be every bit as good or better.
I have a friend who shoots both but as yet he has not tried to group his at 100 or 200.

Just some of the reasons I ask are that there are some things done in long range that short rangers say dont matter but I wonder if they really might.
Extreme weight consistency, pointing, meplat trimming, etc etc.

I see now days where they are starting more and more to argue the need for more accurate charge weights.
I did this with the old pact/rcbs at the crawfish back in 03 and every one made fun of me because no one else was doing it. Now many are doing it.

So I just wonder.
Hi Vern, My 1000yd lightgun agg was.350" at 100yds,.750" agg at 200yds,1.5" agg at 500yds,and 1000yd agg 7.5" and has shot 2.7" and 3.9" singular groups most of which were shot in mild to difficult shooting conditons but is generally represenitive of the guns ability. There are quite a few things different between long range and short tuning. From what I have seen is that the general long range thinking on tuning has been based on tight groups and 100 and then for long range tune you would do a secondary tune with bullet depth adj for the sole purpose being to level the velocities an keep them level. If you have those 2 things done you are in .But then sometimes the rifle shoots better at 1000 verses 100,showing the natural barrel compensations though slight but still there.But no matter how you look at it the number one thing that has to be done to shoot at the highest level is to have level velocites,So is not the case in short range. 40fps sd is hardly a problem at 100 as far as windrift but it can be a group killer at 1000. Another factor in level velocites is having tight neck tension at least on the big magnums ,Most short range guys I have talked to say they soft seat .The only other difference I think is qualifying our bullets,everything from sorting by ultrasound,trimming ,pointing ,weight sorting ,bearing surface sorting,overall length sorting and even culling the ones found with small surface deformations. I am pretty sure the short range guys dont mess with their bullets to this degree granted they are of a fine quality I am sure .The small stuff is just more affecting in the long flight times involved with long range. Hope this helps. Tim in Tx
I do the starting setup of my 1200 yard belly guns at 100 yards, but tweak it at 1000-1200. My work at 100 is grouping on paper at the same time that I chronograph the loads for velocity. I've found that it isn't worth the cost of the loads to just shoot holes at 100 yards. As Tim said, velocity spreads can have an unfortunate influence on grouping at the other end.
I always start @ 100 but some people say don't get caught up with super tight groups @ 100 cuz some of the long range bullets with the high B.C. don't stabilize perfectly until 2-300. Myself, If it doesn't shoot 1 hole @ 100 I don't bother with that load.