Accolades For An Old Swift.



Firstly I wish to give full bragging rights to the good old boys on this forum. I choose rifle,calibre,scope,reticle,bullet and powder charge all off recomendations which I found on this spread and I could not be happier.:D Yesterday my 6.5to20x40 Leupold arrived. Zeroed scope in afternoon and did some more tests. 40g Sierra spitzer 34g H4198 Rem91/2 primer O.A.L 68mm 5 shots 100yds .409" 53g Sierra MK 44g W760 Rem 91/2 O.A.L 67.25mm 3 shots 100yds .240''. This is my first Ruger rifle and my first 220 Swift and I must say I am very pleased with the result. Aim into the wind Varmint Guy and thanks to one and all. Murphy.:cool:
Excellent results! The Swift is still king! Despite a bunch of pretenders to the throne, this old cartridge reigns supreme.
When you think that the barrel is completely toast......

try the 63g Sierra Semi Point, it will amaze you with the accuracy, and you will get another 800 rounds out of the barrel.

Mk Ii 77's

Iam so happy that your'e so happy:D
Another 77 that not only looks pretty but shoots.
To keithcandler

Tried to get some Sierra 63g semi points, when I bought the 53g Match Kings but the shop never had any. Will definately give them a go as I have seen good reports on this spread and I personaly, have had very good results with them in a 223. When I can get my hands on some, will let every one know what happens. Murphy.;)

Well done Murphy. Sounds like you got a good ruger. I noticed by your post that you got alot better results using 53 gr, and ww760. I personally have gotten my best results using 52 gr match, and either H380 or Varget. The powder you were using H4198 might be a little on the fast side for the case capacity of the swift. WW760 is 87th on the burn rate, so maybe by staying within the range of 75 to 87 you might just find a powder that will work a little better. The swift does its best when loaded to about 95% case capacity, so by using a powder in this burn range it should keep you in the fill range for each weight of bullet. My only other suggestion is that you treat your swift like a fine race car, you have the power, and the speed but you dont use it all the time, by backing off just a little you will get better barrell life and a lot more enjoyment. Good luck and keep us posted.

And to the other poster I am a firm believer that the swift is the king of High velocity 22 PRODUCTION rounds, and yes some are faster but are not chambered by any manufacturer, and still refer to the swift when touting what they do. We need more people to enjoy these fine cartridges and keep them alive for another generation.

The comment that H4198 is a bit fast for the swift is a valid one. When the weather clears up I will do some chronograph tests to determine just how well it is in fact burning. Cases are about2/3 full but accuracy is not unreasonable so maybe the long slim case digests the faster burning powder better than a short fat one of the same capacity. Maybe there is a bit of a trade off, we sacrifice some efficency for more versitility. Your thoughts Murphy.:confused:
Murphy: I have been off on an extended Varmint Hunt and hosting of Varminters. So my congratulations may be a bit late.
My friends just left this morning and I am back on my normal home routine.
Only one Swift was along on this round of Varminting and it took 5 varieties of Varmints here in the Rocky Mountains for its owner. The Varmints included Jack Rabbits, Rock Chucks, Rock Pigeons, Badger and Ground Squirrels!
The Swift does a LOT of things, well!
I am so happy your Swift is so accurate!
Remember that the Swifts barrel life is finite (as all things are!) and care in waiting for the barrel to cool while shooting, judicious loads and careful cleaning will keep that Swift doing great things for you for many years!
If I recall correctly you were putting a Leupold scope on your Ruger - I am also glad that those two products from America are working well for you, there "down under" (did I use that term correctly?)!
"Aussie"! "Aussie"! "Aussie"! (I recently heard that cheer of Australian glee on my television!).
Long live the 220 Swift!
Hold into the wind
To Varmint Guy.

Its always good to hear from you Vamint Guy and your advice about looking after the Swift is well and truly taken on board. Yesterday things went a bit crazy and a load that had been outstanding the day before wouldn't group. Thougt I may have been a bit close to the edge of the seating depth accuracy window and tipped over, or maybe a build up of copper fouling. Checked all screws and they are tight, also had a minor tiff with wife and that may have effected things. In any event, have moved seating dept into safe zone, carefully cleaned rifle and patched things up with wife. Will see what happens next time. All the best Murphy.:)
try the 63g Sierra Semi Point, it will amaze you with the accuracy, and you will get another 800 rounds out of the barrel.


Will they shoot in a 10 twist barrel?? My barrel is slightly eroded. I normally shoot 52 Bergers and cannot touch the lands.
Murphy: When I have been fighting with the VarmintWife or the VarmintSons (college types!) I know my powers of concentration are affected.
I retire to the VarmintDen and enthusiastically clean guns, when I am miffed with the clan.
I stay away from shooting and reloading when my mind is pre-occupied.
Glad things have smoothed over.
Lets get the Swift back onto the straight and narrow ASAP!
If I am correct its your winter time "down under" but be sure to let that barrel cool completely between shots.
We can deal with shooting groups with a warmish barrel later.
First we have to settle on a very accurate load for you.
In two of my Swifts and one of my 22-250's I have been having really good luck (accuracy wise and lethality wise) with the 52 gr. Speer Hollow Point-Flat Base bullets. Be sure to get the "Flat Base" 52 gr. Hollow-Points by Speer as they also make a 52 gr. Hollow-Point Boat-Tail bullet which is less Varmint friendly.
Keep us posted.
Hold into the wind
try the 63g Sierra Semi Point, it will amaze you with the accuracy, and you will get another 800 rounds out of the barrel.


Years ago I had an Ackley Improved Swift built by P.O.Ackley on a commercial Mauser 98 action.

I used the Sierra 63 grain bullets in it with excellent results. Of course, they don't scream like the lighter bullets do in a Swift, but they are accurate and pretty wind resistant.

I agree--when the lands advance, try the 63 grain bullets and keep on shooting!
I have killed a number of cyotes with 63 grainers. I bought a bunch of 3100 at a yard sale and loaded them with it, a little slow but shoots very well and doesn't tear up a dog. My ruger 77v 220 swift is the best rifle I own. I was told the 63 gr was no longer produced, if some one knows were to get them please post it.
To Varmint guy and others.

No more trouble with the Swift, was just having a bad day. Have had great success with the 63g Sierra SMPs and for anyone with concerns, yes they shoot just fine with 1 in 14 rifeling twist. Developed load with AR2209 powder, which I believe is sold in the US as H4350 under the same arrangement as Varget (AR2208). Load consists of 63G SMP 39g AR 2209 CCI 200 primer Winchester brass o.a.l 70.5mm. Load shoots a very consistent .35" three shot group at 100yds. Moved seating depth back .5mm so that they fit magazine and they still shoot .5" so how good is that. A special thanks to Varmint Guy,your advice is better than visiting a Schrink and next time I go to the city I will look for some of those Speer flat bases. Winter weather here has been foul, but as soon as sun comes out I will do some chrono tests and post results. Rifles are like flowers,("Many are born to blush unseen and waste their sweetness.") It's a good feeling to revive an old caliber. Murphy.
Firstly I wish to give full bragging rights to the good old boys on this forum. I choose rifle,calibre,scope,reticle,bullet and powder charge all off recomendations which I found on this spread and I could not be happier.:D Yesterday my 6.5to20x40 Leupold arrived. Zeroed scope in afternoon and did some more tests. 40g Sierra spitzer 34g H4198 Rem91/2 primer O.A.L 68mm 5 shots 100yds .409" 53g Sierra MK 44g W760 Rem 91/2 O.A.L 67.25mm 3 shots 100yds .240''. This is my first Ruger rifle and my first 220 Swift and I must say I am very pleased with the result. Aim into the wind Varmint Guy and thanks to one and all. Murphy.:cool:

Are you talking about the Ruger target model?
Murphy: It seems fewer and fewer companies are chambering their Rifles in 220 Swift.
I just checked the Ruger site and if I am reading their online catalog correctly they no longer offer a 220 Swift.
The folks at Remington are down to just ONE model being offered in 220 Swift these days.
And the savage company quit with the Swift a few years ago.
It is a useful cartridge and has a flat enough trajectory that I hold on Coyote fur to WAY out there and make hits without holdover.
I have never tried the 63 grainers though in any of my Swifts.
I just checked the Sierra site and they still make a 63 grain .224 caliber "SMP" type Varmint bullet.

Kyle: I will keep an eye out for the 63 grainers for you - it looks like they are still listed in the current Sierra on line site:

Keep after'em guys!

Hold into the wind
On Ruger Swift.

Yes the laminated stock one with double pull trigger and "Target Grey" stainless steel barrel.
Glad to see the Swift getting the accolades it so richly deserves. My heavy barrel Model 70 never fails to deliver on coyotes. When he stops far off to "safely" survey the scene before coming in, he's made his last mistake.