
bummer,that sounds like fun

It is. We shoot all 3 of the popular games at our club, ARA, IR50/50 and ABRA. What's nice about the ABRA game is we're finding new shooters find it not as intimidating equipment wise versus the high custom rifles used in ARA & IR50/50 and jump in then some will try the other games. When we were just shooting ARA most of those who would come out to the matches to see what we were doing we'd not see them again. Go to the ABRA site and give Joe and Lisa a call they may know some club directors who may be contemplating starting up the game in your area and need to hear from people like yourself who are interested in it.

Les Williams
It is. We shoot all 3 of the popular games at our club, ARA, IR50/50 and ABRA. What's nice about the ABRA game is we're finding new shooters find it not as intimidating equipment wise versus the high custom rifles used in ARA & IR50/50 and jump in then some will try the other games. When we were just shooting ARA most of those who would come out to the matches to see what we were doing we'd not see them again. Go to the ABRA site and give Joe and Lisa a call they may know some club directors who may be contemplating starting up the game in your area and need to hear from people like yourself who are interested in it.

Les Williams

I just want to second what Les has stated. In San Angelo, Texas, we have had a lot of fun shooting with these automatics. We are having good participation.

Concho Bill
We don't have any sanctions in these states yet , But if you would like to please help us out if you have a gun range that you think would hold these matches send us there info .
Lisa and I would love to talk to them or if you thinking about becoming a M.D. let us know we will help you the hole way through it .
Not hard at all ,Please give us a call
If someone is interersted

in running some in Maine, I'll try to help facilitate a venue for hosting them but I have my plate full and I am not interested in making any more rifles to compete with. In other words, I'm not interested in running any.

i dont know the first thing about running a match.but i learn quick if someone showed me how to do it.it sounds like fun and you dont have to have a $3000 gun.
It is really simple

i dont know the first thing about running a match.but i learn quick if someone showed me how to do it.it sounds like fun and you dont have to have a $3000 gun.

There is really very little to it in a club match. You just read the rules and follow them. Others at your club will help you and it will be a learning experience for all. If anyone complains that you are not doing the job right, make them the range officer.

Concho Bill
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i dont know the first thing about running a match.but i learn quick if someone showed me how to do it.it sounds like fun and you dont have to have a $3000 gun.

We would be happy to help you along the way and get ABRA started in your Area
One of the great things about ABRA is you do not need a $3000 gun we have two classes factory class and unlimited ,The guns run from $300-$1800
Please feel free and give me a call 830760815
Running Matches

There is really very little to it in a club match. You just read the rules and follow them. Others at your club will help you and it will be a learning experience for all. If anyone complains that you are not doing the job right, make them the range officer.

Concho Bill

Words are so true.......... when you ask a guy to help run the match/set-up/hang targets/score targets/talley scores/run the awards ceremony/mail results........... the B****`n stops.............
The hardest part for me

is the damn paperwork when the match is all over. Most shooters don't realize how much is involved outside the match. I'm getting kinda tired of doing it, me.

Pete....Keep on keeping on (please). It ain't THAT hard and you may be the only one that will do it.
is the damn paperwork when the match is all over. Most shooters don't realize how much is involved outside the match. I'm getting kinda tired of doing it, me.


Lisa has a spread sheet that she sends and 95% can be done on the lap top

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