ABRA Virginia Match results 06.16.2018


New member
Congratulations to Mathew Tignor for his 1st place win in the unlimited class ABRA Virginia Match this past weekend at Kettlefoot.

Mathew shot a total aggregate of 192.75 taking high card on T-2 192, T-4 192

David Huff finished 2nd place shooting an aggregate of 192.50 taking high card on T-1 with a 196.

Tom Tignor came in 3rd place with a total aggregate of 189.00

Wayne Earl Wills came in 4th taking high card on T-3 192 total aggregate of 188.50

Randy Herrmann came in 5th place with an overall aggregate of 188.00

Youth Shooter Ashton Herrmann shot a wonderful game
188,189,188,192 total aggregate of 189.25

Great shooting everyone and congratulations again!
