ABRA Texas Rankings 2016


New member
Here is the rankings for ABRA Texas State year end 2016

We had a lot of great shooters, and great people shooting with us this year.

Today was the last match of the year for Texas and we are already looking forward to 2017.

See ya on the range




Congratulations to all for their excellent shooting for the year.
For those that don't know the top 3 in each category gets a very nice belt buckle.
Our champion junior shooter Darek was awarded a very nice trophy to take home.
Joe and Lisa was telling me some of their ideas for next year and sounds exciting.
I just want to say I've been shooting custom bolt guns in this crazy land of 22's for a few years with some level of success, but trying it with a semi-auto has really gotten my interest going again. Really amazing how far it's gone in just the last year in accuracy we're getting out of these.
So everyone pull them ole 10/22's or want ever semi you got and go punch some paper from the bench.
Call you friends and have a little competition for it's fun just for the bragging rights for the week.