ABRA San Angelo Results 6.22.2019


New member
What a crazy windy day,had everyone chasing the wind (and I think that's where I goofed). One gust was 29 mph which blew some wind indicators over, but the wind proved to be a challenge all day.

The High score for the day was a 193 in the Senior Factory class by David Strother. David took that on the 3rd target of the match as he went on to take 1st place with a 180.75 agg. Jerry Willeford was 2nd with the high 1st; 2nd & 4th targets. Howard Wilson was 3rd and lost the tie breaker on the 1st target to Jerry.

Darek Biggs brought a friend along and James Linton took 1st place in the Junior Unlimited after Darek stumbled some on his 1st target. James had a 175.25 agg & the high 1st target of 173. Darek had the high for their class of 183.

Darren Krumwiede was a lone ranger today and finished the Senior Unlimited class with a 180.75 agg & a high for the day of 188.

The Senior Heavy Outlaw guys had a high of 191 from Bill Middlebrook who shot a 184.75 agg. Jim Swaringin took 2nd place and had a high of 188 on the 4th target. Tom Cunningham had the 3rd place and had the high 2nd target.

Jason Chegwidden was also a lone ranger and won the Senior Outlaw Light class with a 161.50 agg

Our next match will be July 13, 2019 at 10 am at range 6 of San Angelo Gun Club.

Ron Herring
