ABRA San Angelo Results 03.09.19


New member
inaugural windy start of 2019. We had 7 competitors, probably due to the forecast which was calling for 17+ mph wind from the WNW. Paul Dyer had a wind gage at the bench and measured a high gust of 31mph, but said next time he'd place it out on the range as that is where the action really is.

Tom Cunningham was the only Senior Outlaw Heavy shooter & he really shot a consistent 184 agg, with 2-184's; a 185; & a 183

Allen Taylor took 1st place in Senior Unlimited & had a 190 & 192 for the day; splitting high targets with Paul Dyer who had the high 1st target & who won the tie with Allen on the 4th target.

Ron Herring took 1st place in Senior Factory and had a high target of 180 as well as taking the high target on 1; 2; 3 but lost a tie on the 4th target with Howard Wilson. Jerry Willeford was 2nd; Howard was 3rd & David Strother was 4th. Our next match is in 2 weeks followed the week after with our Club Tournament where we'd like to see a lot of competitors on our new 25 bench range.

See you at the Range,
Ron Herring
