ABRA New Haven KY Results 08.17.2019


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ABRA New Haven KY Results 08.17.2019
Congratulations to Steve DuVall, Art Shaffer, Joe Jarrell for their 1st place wins in yesterdays ABRA New Haven Kentucky Match.
1st match of the year, what a great turn out!.
Unlimited Class:
Steve DuVall took 1st place with an aggregate of 192.00 taking high card on T1-191, T2-195, T3-199
Ann Tucker took 2nd place with an aggregate of 190.00
Michael Blackard took 3rd with an aggregate of 185.667
Jill Ashlock took 4th place with an aggregate of 174.33
Factory Class:
Art Shaffer took 1st place with an aggregate of 180.667 taking high card n T1-183, T2-176,T3-183
Kyle Ashlock took 2nd place with an aggregate of 162.00
Katherine Blackard took 3rd with an aggregate of 157.33
Jerry Kindall took 4th place with an aggregate of 138.667
Outlaw Heavy:
Joe Jarrell took 1st place with an aggregate of 189.667 taking high card on T1-192,T2-190,T3-187
Craig Bonham took 2nd with an aggregate of 161.667
Outlaw Lite:
Ben Nelson had an aggregate of 107.667 with a high card on 127
Unlimited Youth:
Jake Skaggs shot an aggregate of 151.33 with a high card of 154
Factory Youth:
Jordan Kimbrell shot an aggregate of 141.667 with a high card of 154.
Congrats to everyone!
