ABRA Louisiana Match Results 06.16.2018


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ABRA Louisiana Match Results 06 16 2018
As usual it was hot and windy, there were 6 competitors in the match.
This is how it went, first round Jerry Smith shot a195 Eddie Robertson shot a 192 Mike Drummond shot 184 Robert Eaton shot 183 Don Box shot 178 Jimbo Carrell a 174 Jerry Having high card round 1!
Second round Eddie Robertson 194, Jerry Smith 192, Robert Eaton 192, Mike Drummond 180, Don Box 179, Jimbo Carrell 175 Eddie Robertson having high card 2nd round!
Third round Eddie Robertson 194, Jerry Smith 193, Robert Eaton 190, Jimbo Carrell 182, Don Box 181, Mike Drummond 179 Eddie Robertson shot high card in round 3!
Finishing order was Jerry Smith No 1 with a 580, Eddie Robertson 2nd with a 580 beat out with Jerry having first high card. 3rd Robert Eaton with a 565,4th Mike Drummond with a 543, 5th Don Box with a 538, last place went to Jimbo Carrell with a whopping score of 531!!!
Well done guys! Hope to see a bigger crowd at the next match, till then aim high and shoot straight!
Robert Eaton
