ABRA GA Match Results 05.19.2019


New member
ABRA Elberton Georgia Tournament Results May,19,2019
22 Adult Shooters turned out for the GA ABRA Club Tournament. We had competitors in every class.
Jim Haley, did a fantastic job organizing the tournament with help from the folks in Georgia it was a super success.
5 Competitor's in the Factory Class:
1st Place Ricky Haley taking high card on T1-186,T2-184,T3-181, T5-193, T6-188 aggregate of 185.667
2nd Place Justin Fortson shooting an aggregate of 179.00
3rd Harold Reynolds taking high card on T4-187, with an aggregate of 187.
4th Place Robby King aggregate of 178.50
5th Victor Galea aggregate of 117.667
9 Competitor's in the Unlimited Class:
1st Place Travis Davis aggregate of 193.167 taking high card on T5-195
2nd Place Lisa Chacon aggregate of 192.00 taking high card on T2-194, T6-194
3rd Place Steve DuVall aggregate of 191.50 taking high card on T3-193, T4-196
4th Place Jim Haley aggregate of 191.333
5th Place Benji Matoy aggregate of 191.167 taking high card on T1-195
6th Place Tao Irtz aggregate of 184.667
7th Place Danny Sissom aggregate of 184.333
8th Place Shannon Matoy aggregate of 182.667
9th Mike Greenway aggregate of 171.333
6 Competitor's in the Outlaw Heavy Barrel Class:
1st Place Rebecca Carroll taking high card on T5-195 with an aggregate of 193.167
2nd Place James Carroll taking high card on T2-197,T6-196 aggregate of 193.833
3rd Place Joe Chacon taking high card on T3-195,T4-195 aggregate of 192.833
4th Place Kevin Noggle taking high card on T1-195 aggregate of 192.00
5th Place Billy Hudson with an aggregate of 191.50
6th Place Raymond Jenkins aggregate of 175.667
2 Competitor's Outlaw Lite Barrel Class:
1st Place Wade Haley aggregate of 184.00 high card on T2-187, T3-183, T4-182,T5-182, T6-183
2nd Place Jerry Thompson aggregate of 180.833 high card T1-191.
We had a great time thank you for putting on one heck of a match!

ABRA Elberton GA Match Jr. Match Results May, 19, 2019.
Elbert County Gun Club ranks #1 for the number of youth shooters for ABRA.
They did not disappoint us keeping those numbers at an all time high for their ABRA Club Tournament.
10 Youth shooters, shooting in Factory Class, Unlimited Class, and Outlaw Heavy Barrel.
It was an amazing thing to see, all of the parents and youth shooters together, what a great way to spend the day as a family.
In the ABRA Factory Class there were 6 youth shooters.
1st Place Jackson Hudson shooting an aggregate of 178.33 taking high card on T2-179, T4-181, T6-188
2nd Place Will Fortson shooting an aggregate of 177.833 taking high card on T1-182, T3-179
3rd Place Matt Hudson with an aggregate of 174.167 taking high card on T5-188
4th Place Cason Phillips (New Shooter) with an aggregate of 171.667
5th Place Charlie Fortson with an aggregate of 165.333
6th Place Halleigh Phillips (New Shooter) with an aggregate of 150.833
In the ABRA Unlimited Class there were 3 youth Shooters.
1st Place Lukas Brooks with an aggregate of 190.50 taking high card on T2-193, T4-191
2nd Place Shelby Matoy with an aggregate of 190.167 taking high card on T1-193, T3-189, T5-191, T6-194
3rd Place Lexie Davis with an aggregate of 184.667
In the ABRA Outlaw Heavy Barrel Class 1 youth shooter.
Cody King with a 191.167 aggregate shooting 191,193,186,192,192,193
