A Star has Risen

Chism G

Active member
I was introduced to Gary Bristow, nine years ago, by Frank Wilson. at Tomball,Tx. Gary was brand new to Benchrest Competition. He reminded me of a Kid in a candy store.

I have watched Gary the past nine years ,as he fought his way to the top of the heap. He took his lumps and kept plugging away.

The Gulf Coast Region harbors some of the best shooters in the Sport. There is no shortage of tutelage around these parts. Texas is home to some of the toughest atmospheric conditions in the country. Flat land winds, Mirage, Dust devils,Heat and Cold temps mixed in. Who ever said that the wind is a friend, needs to take a look at the Aggs shot Saturday,(6/29/19)during the UL (10) at Midland,Tx.

I have never before seen the level of enthusiasm exhibited by a new shooter. Nine years later,Gary Bristow still has that enthusiasm. He is like a freight Train on a down hill slope. This is his second time for being selected for the World team. I asked him what advice he would give to new shooters interested in improving their shooting skills. He says,
“Buy the best equipment and practice, practice, practice” ,A short answer that makes a whole lot of sense to me.

Ask Gary the time of day,… thats what you will get. The hour and minute. Not, how to make a clock.:D

A couple of more young competitors (Young to me) that I have met, making waves around the country at registered matches are Mark Harpenau and Eddie Harris. I met Mark at, Luther,Okla. and Eddie at, Pencil Bluff,Ark.

Gary,Mark and Eddie represent the future of this Sport. While some of us are talking about how to break in Rifle barrels and what’s the best bore cleaning solvent, these guys are out honing their shooting skills. Which reminds me,I need to schedule an appointment with the eye Doctor. before I buy a new scope. Its getting hard to see the marks on my micrometer seater Die.

I was introduced to Gary Bristow, nine years ago, by Frank Wilson. at Tomball,Tx. Gary was brand new to Benchrest Competition. He reminded me of a Kid in a candy store.

I have watched Gary the past nine years ,as he fought his way to the top of the heap. He took his lumps and kept plugging away.

The Gulf Coast Region harbors some of the best shooters in the Sport. There is no shortage of tutelage around these parts. Texas is home to some of the toughest atmospheric conditions in the country. Flat land winds, Mirage, Dust devils,Heat and Cold temps mixed in. Who ever said that the wind is a friend, needs to take a look at the Aggs shot Saturday,(6/29/19)during the UL (10) at Midland,Tx.

I have never before seen the level of enthusiasm exhibited by a new shooter. Nine years later,Gary Bristow still has that enthusiasm. He is like a freight Train on a down hill slope. This is his second time for being selected for the World team. I asked him what advice he would give to new shooters interested in improving their shooting skills. He says,
“Buy the best equipment and practice, practice, practice” ,A short answer that makes a whole lot of sense to me.

Ask Gary the time of day,… thats what you will get. The hour and minute. Not, how to make a clock.:D

A couple of more young competitors (Young to me) that I have met, making waves around the country at registered matches are Mark Harpenau and Eddie Harris. I met Mark at, Luther,Okla. and Eddie at, Pencil Bluff,Ark.

Gary,Mark and Eddie represent the future of this Sport. While some of us are talking about how to break in Rifle barrels and what’s the best bore cleaning solvent, these guys are out honing their shooting skills. Which reminds me,I need to schedule an appointment with the eye Doctor. before I buy a new scope. Its getting hard to see the marks on my micrometer seater Die.


"Buy the best equipment and practice".

A lot of us old guys still do that.
That’s how Allen Annette got into the HOF. He worked at it. Shot every day the wind was blowing. Went through thousands and thousands of bullets in practice and numerous barrels. He gained the ten points needed for the HOF in one years time.

By the way, Joe Kubon has been keeping up with all the points for the Gulf Coast Region Shooter of the Year for a long, long time. Joe periodically sends me updates as to how every one is doing in the region. One point is awarded for every shooter you beat at every yardage. No points for the grand, just each yardage for all the group shoots in the region. Gary Bristow has a pretty commanding lead over the rest of us. Be aware that there are two weekend matches left for the year, the Buffalo Shoot in Midland towards the first of September and the Cotton Boll at Lubbock at the end of September. If any GC Region shooters are interested in seeing where they are placing, I'm going to try to put an Excel spreadsheet on this post with the Shooter of the Year results so far.


  • 2019_soy_Midland_1.xls
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The path to success in this Sport,or any sport, is not a highway.

You figure it out as you go. Somewhere along the way, the pieces all come together.

Hall of Famer, Don Geraci once told me, that he shot benchrest seven years, before he won a single yardage. After that first win, things just started falling into place and the rest is history. The more you shoot, the more you learn.

One day, that reality will sink in.


A little “At A Boy” recognition is appreciated by even the most unassuming competitor.

That recognition is not ,necessarily, limited to handing out trophies at the the end of the day.

Recognition of individual performance, benefits the organization in a positive way.

If you’re trying to decide whether to join up(Take the plunge),this thread serves as a reminder of what can be accomplished with a commitment to achievement.

The Real Reason

Glen has rightfully praised Gary's work ethic in benchrest but he neglected to mention a little secret that Gary has that may account for his success. I snuck a peek into Gary's shop and the place looks like Madame Bougherty's New Orleans Voodoo Emporium. Right next to a black lathe covered in upside down crosses is a gorilla suit with a goat head mask. There is a cage of live chickens in the corner and a large python slithering around the floor. multiple glass jars were on the shelves containing a large squid, a pig fetus, what appeared to be pickled bull testicles and several tapeworms. The place was lit with hundreds of black candles and a sound system was playing the Beatles White Album backwards. I couldn't see in the back very well but it looked like there was a large human doll chained to the wall with hundreds of pins sticking in it. I did get a good look at his gun safe. It was shaped like a coffin.
After I heal up and start shooting again I am dusting off my crystals and juju beads. With this stuff you need to fight fire with fire. Tim
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Doc T

There aren't very many things that make me laugh when I'm on the net; but your posts almost always do.
I like the album playing backwards the best.
