A New Direction

jackie schmidt

New member
I finally received my six new 6mm Bartlien Gain Twist Barrels today. I hope to get one chambered up to test this week end.

This is sort of a new direction for me, as I have shot Kriegers for the past 8 years. A good friend and I decided to go together and make a big order, I commited to six LV tapers. We decided on the minimum gain that ends in 13.75.

I sure hope these things shoot. ............jackie
Have you tested the latest dual radius ogive (5/9, 9 at the back, five to the point) Bishop/Libby bullet? I believe that it has several recent records to its credit.
Yep..I got one also..

I got one on my VFS rifle (30BR)...I shot my first 250@200yds (with lots of Xs) in the very first match I attended with it...:D:D:D..in fact my 100/200 yd agg was 500-33x...thanks Bartlein...
:D"Im a happy boy":D
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I finally received my six new 6mm Bartlien Gain Twist Barrels today. I hope to get one chambered up to test this week end.

This is sort of a new direction for me, as I have shot Kriegers for the past 8 years. A good friend and I decided to go together and make a big order, I commited to six LV tapers. We decided on the minimum gain that ends in 13.75.

I sure hope these things shoot. ............jackie

Jackie, I'll say this..... I tried one LV contour 1/4 gain .237bore 14" - 13.75" from Bartlein last year... Well now I have set my all time smallest 100/200 yd aggs with that single barrel... Boy it's a shooter..!

Got a couple .237 Krieger GT 14.6" - 13.8" LV ... One chambered and looking good.

Good stuff these days..! Good luck Jackie in 2010.

I have a pretty darned good Krieger on my Sporter right now, and I have a Krieger on my Rail Gun that seems to be one of the better ones I have had. I have not shot either in a Match as of yet, nor in warmer weather.

This years Nationals was an eye opener, a lot of Bartlien Gain Twist were shooting really well. I decided to spend the money for a new Rifle that features an ejector, so I might as well see what I can do with a new barrel concept.

The barrel that Gene won the World Championship with last year was a Bartlien Gain Twist. I guess I can say I am following his lead in this situation.

I have a decent lot of Barts .790 Boat Tails, I even went back to my .045 throat to accomodate them.

In my usual fashion, I figured I would get at least six barrels to start with, sort of the old jump into the deep end and start swimming. Hopefully not sinking to the bottom:D

Nothing wrong with Kriegers, I still have three new 13.5 blanks to chamber.

Trying not to get left behind.........jackie
"Trying hard not to get left behind"

Darned good answer, Jackie... I'm sure that we are blessed with good barrels from many sources. The guys are Bartlein seem to really be doing a good job these days..

After looking at all the mid teen aggs shot at last years Nats it would seem to be a daunting excercise to not get left in the dust !!

I bet your new barrels are going to be top shelf.. Please let us know when you get them chambered and shooting..