A challenge


Rusty Carr

Guys, I'm leaving Friday,6/20, for a Safari in Africa. By the time I get back, about the 5th of July, I expect you to hav all of this "stuff" forked out. Overall, there is not a more ingeneous group of people then Benchrest shooters, and this should present no problem. I'm real excited, and hope to maybe have some stories to share when I get back. Thanks, Rusty in Ga.

Meant to say worked out, poor proofreading, thanks, Rusty
Paul, plains game. I have a menu, complete with prices. Depends on what we find, and what we can afford. See everybody soon, Rusty
Rusty, I'm out for the summer. You need a backup gunner? A tracker? Or maybe a butt wiper?:D

will you have access to a lap top & keep us updated?? Pics would be great!! I want to go some day but not sure I'm tough enough for the plane ride to get there.

A good customer and buddy just got back and took two of his kids. Two lions, a cape and one hippo. The stories were great........

Be safe and good luck!!

I want to shoot a baboon!! Man those things are mean!!

Good Luck Rusty!!

We'll miss your support on the forum........the lib's will miss you too!!
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Paul Fielder

Paul, I got a little confused, you don't mean he shot his two kids, the lion etc do you? I do think the plane ride is by the worst part of the trip. I have an American Express card that pays sky miles, and I'll charge a pack of gum. I saved enough to pay coach fare and ride business, so maybe it won't be as bad. I don't have a lap top, but I will take a lot of pics, and if someone willhelp me, I'll post some when I get back. See you soon, Rusty in Ga.

....He wouldn't have to go all the way to Africa to "take" the kids. Sorry for the confusion.

He has 5 kiddos & two of them got to tag along on the trip. His yougest son shot one of the lions & the middle girl took a lion & the cape. Doc shot the hippo......that one had the best story. One of those death sliding at your feet deals.

again, have fun & be safe.......

We'll miss your support on the forum........the lib's will miss you too!!

Have fun Rusty. As the (Phil 'the lip' says), "the libs will miss/envy you!" Phil will be still here to say "those libs" every single post! Remember your guns shoot quite a bit to the right! :D
Have a good time Rusty. You know where your gun is shooting. Watch out for the critters in the bushes on the left. :)

Aim small!

Concho Bill

The name calling is unnecessary, but I know you guys can't stand the truth!!

I don't know why you guys get all upset when someone calls you a liberal....isn't that what you are??? I'm a conservative and I don't mind being called that!!
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I hadn't thought about it, but shooting to the right might be a problem, as I won't have time to put out wind flags. Thanks for all the good advice, and I hope I have some good stories., Rusty
The name calling is unnecessary, but I know you guys can't stand the truth!!

I don't know why you guys get all upset when someone calls you a liberal....isn't that what you are??? I'm a conservative and I don't mind being called that!!

Well Phil, this will be a waste of time, but I'm retired so I'll explain it again.

You use the word "liberal" as a dirty word filled with prejudicial assumptions of stupidity and lack of patriotism. That has been a lesson taught quite effectively by the Limbaughs, Roves and Caulters of the world and its affected the opinions of people like you. You tend to attack or label the person expressing an opinion rather than politely dealing with the opinion on its own met. I'm sure you don't always intend to offend people, its just how you've learned to roll. One to one you are probably a likeable guy, but at a keyboard you are like the guy who yells at others in traffic. He is never wrong and needs to straighten out the other drivers of the world.

I, on the other hand use "conservative" as simply meaning a person that sees the world differently and has a different approach to solving problems, that is, falling back on traditional and religious approaches of the past. Many times that is the right approach. Unlike you, I don't see myself as one bit smarter or patriotic than a conservative. I just see the world differently based on my understanding and want to try a few newer approaches to old problems. I "try" to judge ideas and people on their own merit rather than put labels on them.

By the way Phil, how can a tough Marine be so sensitive about being called "Phil the Lip"! It was just a joke playing on you always labeliing everything I say as "Lib"!

Lib - Lip, get it!

Sorry, the tea and crumpets will be on me when we meet!

By the way, one of the first things I learned in a Logic Class is to try not to use the word "Truth" because it can rarely if ever be proven. The truth is usually a word used by those who create their own truth from their opinions. "Accurate" is a more useful word! It can actually be measured or proven! Try it!
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