A bad day

A bad day alright

This remembrance is a slap in the face to all who have served this country and those that gave their lives while serving.

I agree with Dave Coots Pick another day!!!!! That is a day to remember our vets not honor a pizzing contest.
At a loss

Are these rebuttals meant about Memorial Day which is observed on May 29th to honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country or Veterans Day which happens to fall on Nov. 11th.
I thought this post was aimed at the awards ceremony for the world matches.
I would have thought those attending would know it is scheduled for Nov. 11 at 7 PM.
Hi Larry

Originally called Armistice Day to honor Germany's surrender ending WW1 on the 11th day of the 11th month on the 11hour. I read about it in my Grandpa's diary. He was stationed in France when it was signed. In 1954 it was changed to Veterans Day to Honor all veterans. They deserve our respect.

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Thank you

Originally called Armistice Day to honor Germany's surrender ending WW1 on the 11th day of the 11th month on the 11hour. I read about it in my Grandpa's diary. He was stationed in France when it was signed. In 1954 it was changed to Veterans Day to Honor all veterans.


I understand Veterans Day. My dad was on a battle ship and survived Pearl Harbor. He served in all of WWII and was also called back for Korea. I have also serve for my country and my body bears the scares for my service. Since the day is to honor our vets I found it some what odd to see the post spun into something it wasn't. It's not about Memorial Day or Veterans Day. As a veteran myself I couldn't spin this into something it wasn't it's about a guy who worked so hard to achieve something and had it taken away. Rodeny will not be at the awards ceremony on Nov. 11 at 7 PM. Shoot well.
I think Lou's post might have been taken out of context. There is a first time for everything that happens. This incident,

Unfortunately, will go down as Benchrest history. The point ,I think Lou is making.

As a vet,I don't see any correlation of Benchrest History,occurring on any date, to a National observance/Holiday dedicated to US Military service.

My cousin's birthday is November 11.

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Ok, some Veterans, myself included, took Lou's post the wrong way. He has my apology.

Since we have quite a bit of work in my shop at this time, I will probably be doing the same thing this Veterans Day as I have done countless others since 1969.

I am a Vereran and did serve in Vietnam.
My post had nothing to do with Veteran’s Day or Memorial Day, only Benchrest and the
World Team Match.
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Thanks for clarifying that Lou. I took your first post as comparing this Rodney thing on the same level as Veterans Day. I understand now. Also, I do appreciate your service and every other Veteran's. Uncle Sam didn't want me.

To lighten things a little Gents.
Armistice day is my birthday.
I will be at the awards ceremony of the WBC,
I am the president of the NZDA club hosting the WBC
I don't in my wildest dreams expect to be anywhere near the top or even mentioned, I haven't been shooting PPC anywhere near long enough
My goals are simple, not to come last & TO HAVE FUN
Looking forward to seeing some of you Guys there.

Looking foreword to the match and meeting you folks. Also, we are looking foreword to spending time in your beautiful country. We have some friends in Christchurch we plan to visit that we met at a race in Great Bend, Kansas in 2014. My brother and his wife and Mary and I are renting a car and plan on doing a tour of the South Island.

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