
Doug Kennedy

Hemi Road Runner
Has it fell out of favor with the bench rest crowd? What is some of the problems with this powder? Anyone care to share any experience about this powder?
Thanks for any help and experiences with this powder.
Has it fell out of favor with the bench rest crowd? What is some of the problems with this powder? Anyone care to share any experience about this powder?
Thanks for any help and experiences with this powder.

To say it has fallen out of favor with the benchrest crowd is an understatement. It's big release was in 2010.

To back up and tell this to the best of my knowledge, Lou Murdica was trying to work with IMR to reproduce the original military 8208 that so many benchresters fell in love with. somewhere before it's completion IMR brushed off LOU and the benchresters thinking they had found gold once again with the military.

The first few lots of this powder worked fairly well but was still slower than N133, If you shot a quick group at times it was awesome but if you had a condition change and had to wait your final shots on record would never be close to your first shots no matter how many sighters you shot. I was stupid and shot it longer than most. The upside to this powder is that it is amazingly clean burning leaving almost no copper or carbon fouling.

One last thing about this powder, it was IMR's first extreme powder. they glossed it temp insensitive from -65 to 165............in a 6ppc it don't work above 85 degrees !!!
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It may have lost favor with the BR (PPC) group,but it works pretty darn good in the 308 with 155-185 class bullets.
Yep. Read this on another site.
ADI let the NATO Snipers try it. Works great. 7.62 NATO.........
6PPC. Ya get 4 and 1 groups.
30-06 Garand's like it also.
It still works in a ppc and it's very stable in temp change. The only problem was they (adi) could never duplicate the powder lot to lot. Yes it does work very well in a 308 with the lighter Bullets . Lot one was the best .
It still works in a ppc and it's very stable in temp change. The only problem was they (adi) could never duplicate the powder lot to lot. Yes it does work very well in a 308 with the lighter Bullets . Lot one was the best .
I've got lot #2 Lou, it's all I've ever had/have of 8208. I don't know whether it's faster or slower than lot #1 ,but it's really consistent in what I use it for (308)and BTW, Thanks for your input with getting this powder going.