8208xbr in a 6br with Berger 108s


New member
I finally got all my testing done with the new 8208 xbr and the 6BR with 108 Bergers. I was able to find 6 decent nodes 31.8 the top node produced the most velocity +3100 but when the temperature got to 50 the bolt stuck, this node would also produce unexplainable intermittent flyers. 30.7 also a very good node was very flat but a variation of .2 produced a bit of verticle and velocity peaked at 2910. The best node and the one I plan on shooting is 31.2. This node showed the least verticle, great groups, 2965-2975 fps, and the largest load window (I could go up or down .4 gn before I would get verticle) and it seemed to even buck the wind better. I had the worst conditions of the day when I shot this node and seemed to make up the difference. So in my opinion this new powder will work with the BR.
+3100 with 108s

I was able to get this velocity when the temperature was in the 20s (the first time I used this powder) but when it got up to 50 degrees I got pressure signs. I think this powder is capable of around 3050 fps safely.
Jonathan K