Jerry, I've got three flavors of 8208's here...IMR 8208 'pull down', some other type of strange 8208 that predates the 'pull down' :confused: and the latest XBR8208. They're different based on what I see when cleaning but all seem to act the same for burning rate. A bit quicker than 748 and slower than 4895. In my stuff, it's about like Benchmark.

But I don't use it in a competitive PPC-ish BR rig so can't offer anything on tuning, etc.

Good shootin' :) -Al
Jerry, the lots I have act like 133 but do not perform the same. They both get hot around the 30 grain area but I have never chrono'd them. Seems like the 8208 likes it a little less hot in most cases compared to 133. If I recall correctly 28.5-29.1 worked in most 6ppc loads.
I use the xbr in a 6 Grendel with 80's at about 3250fps. Pretty hot, so work up to that but it shoots very well