8208 xbr



Judging by an recent article in 'Reloader' mag we have been wasting our time previous to the release of IMRs newest addtition '8208 XBR'. Newest snake oil or best thing to happen to rifles since the brass cartridge? What are your thoughts?
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Like a lot...

Judging by an recent article in 'Reloader' mag we have been wasting our time previous to the release of IMRs newest addtition '8208 XBR'. Newest snake oil or best thing to happen to rifles since the brass cartridge? What are your thoughts?

Like a lot of other new benchrest items (March scope, joystick rests, frozen scopes, and barrel tuners) this powder will find favor with shooters that can make it work and fall out of the lime light with those who stick with their already winning combination. At least in this powder's case, it will be cheap enough to give it a try.

All part of this interesting game...

Just got an email from Powder Valley that they shipped my case of 8208 yesterday. Was getting ready to cancel the order after taking inventory of the powder I have on hand. After adding the 32 lbs of 8208 to the VV 133, H322, Benchmark and others I have, I believe I have sufficient powder on hand to last the rest of my shooting lifetime (I'm 69 1/2). :D

Just got an email from Powder Valley that they shipped my case of 8208 yesterday. Was getting ready to cancel the order after taking inventory of the powder I have on hand. After adding the 32 lbs of 8208 to the VV 133, H322, Benchmark and others I have, I believe I have sufficient powder on hand to last the rest of my shooting lifetime (I'm 69 1/2). :D

Gives a guy a warm fuzzy, don't it?;)

XBR8208 Today

Steve Lee used IMR XBR8208 today in our monthly club match in Birmingham at the Steel City Sports Shooting Association and won the match with a fine .1908 agg. The real kicker is that Steve had never put a grain of the new powder in a case until he loaded for the first match. He shot a low 2, upped his load a little, shot a .230 or so (said he missed a switch) and then went up a little more and shot a .150. He stayed with that load the next two targets. I'd say that's a fine showing for the first time out without any load development.
Just got an email from Powder Valley that they shipped my case of 8208 yesterday. Was getting ready to cancel the order after taking inventory of the powder I have on hand. After adding the 32 lbs of 8208 to the VV 133, H322, Benchmark and others I have, I believe I have sufficient powder on hand to last the rest of my shooting lifetime (I'm 69 1/2). :D

I believe I can help you on that. Just send to me , but you must pay the freight...
By the way,I live in Brasil:D:p
I picked up the new Hodgdon freebie manual yesterday and was surprised how they advertised XBR. THere were only two little paragraphs in separate places where they talked about the new powder and both of them related it more of an AR15/M16 addition than for 6 ppc's. They mentioned something about XBR "dominating" the benchrest circuits and shooting tiny groups but that was about it. Oh yeah, they gave the same old bullpucky about being able to shoot this powder in negative temps all the way up to Death valley temps without changing anything.

I think it's kinda funny that a new powder is specifically formulated with the help of a benchrest shooter to shoot in 6ppc's, and is being bought up as fast as they can produce it by a majority of benchrest shooters, but the makers don't really advertise it as such. Kinda strange.

Given their "mission statement", it's also kinda strange they say it's dominating the benchrest scene and it ignores temperature physics. Both flat out lies. I know of only two fellas who have used this powder to win an aggregate thus far so that's pretty far from "dominating". And I won't even go into the physics of combustibles. Just suffice it to say that what made it work for me in Phoenix at 75 degrees was different than what a few Texans have had to do when it was 40 degrees.

Don't get me wrong, I like the new powder and applaud them for being innovative. Their engineers deserve a raise. Now they just need to work on their advertisers.;)
I just got mine this week...it is lot #4798. A little different than past #'s
I took a sneak peak at the Hodgdon 2010 magazine and there were lots of articles on 8208. A lot of the loads were ~3000fps in .223 and 50-55gr bullets.