8208 XBR With 105 Bergers In A Straight 6BR


Registered User
I finaly made it out to the range on monday and tested out some 8208 xbr in a 8 twist Hart barrel chambered in 6BR with 0.104 freebore and a 0.268 neck.I left the seating depth alone and went up in 0.2 grain increments shooting 5 shot groups.
I started at 29 grains and loaded enough rounds to go to 31.8 grains but quit at 31.0 grains due to pressure.I was shooting brass with 8 firings on it and at 31 grains I had 2 primers with soot around them and one loose primer.
Best accuracy was achieved at 29.6 and 29.8 grains and the group fired at 29.6 grains looked like a single 7mm bullet hole that impressed everyone.I plan on testing again this sunday from 29.5 - 29.8 grains in 0.1 grain increments and will play with the seating depth as well.I didn't do any chronographing but I will this sunday if the weather is good.
It looks like this powder is faster than Varget by about 2 grains but as I said earlier I have yet to chronograph it.
Lynn aka Waterboy

Lynn aka Waterboy
105 Bergers

Are the 105's you are using the new batch w/ the more open mepats?? I have just purchased 500 of the new ones and hope to test some this weekend.. After preleminary 100 yd tests do you go next to 200yds , 300yds or 600yds to wring them out?
thanks in advance
Doc Stone
I am shooting the 105 hunting VLD's and don't plan on shooting any of the thicks unless I run into failure problems.
I will get all the accuracy I can out of it at 100 yards then I will take it to 550 yards because it is nearby and see what happens.
At our local range you can shoot 100,200 and 300 yards all from the same bench as the targets are in steps up a slight grade.I will shoot a couple groups at 300 but not during testing.