8208 Lot numbers??


Active member
I have been shooting some of the new 8208 lot number 4736 in the 1LB cans. I think this is the first lot number offered in the new 8208 but i may be wrong about that. Anyway i am getting great results so i have started looking for some more. I cant find any more lot number 4736 in the 1LB. One of my good friends says he has an 8LB jug that he thinks was also part of the first run but the numbers are way different. I need to know how these lot numbers work from the 1LB cans as opposed to the 8LB cans and what lot do i need in 8LB that would be the same powder or run as my 4736 1 LB can? Hope that makes since. Thanks Lee
Lee,I think the lot # would be the same (last 4 digets) on 1 lb and 8lb containers. I have 8 pounders with 4736 as the lot number.
Xbr lot numbers are size (1 digit), date (mm/dd/yy), and then 4 digit lot number. 81021094773 would be 8 lb, oct 21, 2009 and lot 4773.