

Yes, it has been used before in F-Class. Successfully, too. IIRC, the only 200-20X score fired on the LR target (NRA 1000 yard prone target) during a match was by a shooter using this cartridge. Why are we talking about scores on the NRA prone target? Well, it used to be the 1000 yard F-Class target as well. Still, 20 shots inside of 10" at 1000 yards shouldn't be dismissed. Especially since the target was pulled and marked after each shot.
Has anyone tried this in F-class
It is only logical that the cartridge used by David Tubbs (6 XC) to win many NRA High Power championships would work welll at any range, as long as wind is not a factor. The ability to buck the wind always wins out over superior accuracy though, when shooting medium to long ranges. If not, everyone would be using 6PPC in F-Open! This years NRA High Power champion used a .260 for the long range course of fire. Our best F-Open shooter here in Michigan (who just took first place at the Regional 1000 yard championships) shoots a .284. He used to shoot 6 XC but got tired of his inability to dope the wind causing him to lose points. The 180 grain Berger 7mm VLD (.284) has a BC way better than any 6mm, and should always beat it out in windy conditions shot by the same shooter. In summary, and just an opinion based on local experience, if you can read the wind well, go with the 6 XC and enjoy minimal recoil. If you can't, go with a heavier (higher BC bullet), and learn to live with the recoil. Heck, if I could stand shooting 70 rounds in a match using a 250 grain bullet with a BC of .8 plus (flying telephone pole) , I could probably win most of our state matches. Just my thoughts on the subject. Many may disagree.
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I use a 6xc for my 300 to 600 yards F-Class matches. Berger 105 VLD's, Norma cases, H-4831sc, Russian primers, 30 inch Bartlein barrel for 3030 fps. Before this year I used a 6BR for 300-600 with good results, but the lessened wind drift is nice. Recoil is not noticeable and this is a help.
I use a 6xc for my 300 to 600 yards F-Class matches. Berger 105 VLD's, Norma cases, H-4831sc, Russian primers, 30 inch Bartlein barrel for 3030 fps. Before this year I used a 6BR for 300-600 with good results, but the lessened wind drift is nice. Recoil is not noticeable and this is a help.

Do you use moly or plain bullets (or something else)?


If you are talking about long range prone in a registered match, there has never been a 200-20X fired. There has only been one registered match 200-20X fired at 600 prone and that was at Camp Perry, T2K, 6XC moly coated 107s. Prior to the .5 minute F-Class 1000 yard target, Frank Beckman shot a 200-20X+a bunch at Oak Ridge with what I believe was a 6BRX. I am pretty sure that Sharaz shot a huge score at a 300yd F-Class match with a 6XC.

I could be mistaken on the prone records if the 1000 yd record has been broken lately. I know Kent shot a metalic 200-17, and Monster's long standing any record still stands at 200-19X (one shot out the top at 12:00).

Thanks for any updates and corrections,
Jim Hardy

No, it was an F-Class Match, and it wasn't recent (2005) It's not listed in NRA records, probably because the record was superseded when the targets changed. In any case, the score would not have been eligible for an any rifle, any sight record, as any/any requires the only support to be a sling and a shooting jacket. And my memory appears to be failing - caliber was a 6.5-284, not a 6XC. (On paper, the two are fairly close, performance wise.)

Link to thread on Long-Range.com: http://www.usrifleteams.com/lrforum/index.php?showtopic=4862
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I use a 6xc for my 300 to 600 yards F-Class matches. Berger 105 VLD's, Norma cases, H-4831sc, Russian primers, 30 inch Bartlein barrel for 3030 fps. Before this year I used a 6BR for 300-600 with good results, but the lessened wind drift is nice. Recoil is not noticeable and this is a help.


Do you have an opinion about the 6-6.5x47 Lapua and 6mm Dasher for 600 yards and possibly an occasional 1K yard match?



I prefer not to use wildcat cases and the Dasher looks like too much work for me to deal with for the 500+ cases I would need.

The 6.5x47 case came out after I had my 6XC barrels made. If it had been out, I would have went with the 6/6.5x47 instead.

I prefer not to use wildcat cases and the Dasher looks like too much work for me to deal with for the 500+ cases I would need.

The 6.5x47 case came out after I had my 6XC barrels made. If it had been out, I would have went with the 6/6.5x47 instead.

Thanks, Larry.

Interested in your thinking, why 6/6.5x47 and not just the straight 6.5x47 with 130 gr. bullets???

While the 6.5x47 would certainly work well I feel the 6mm's on average just work a bit better at the shorter ranges. I fell there is a good bit of truth in "less recoil = smaller groups/higher scores". This applies particularly to new shooters. When you are laying down all day and shooting 60-80 shots the fatigue factor comes into play. I also prefer the 105-108 range bullets.