6x47 Lapua hangfires


I normally shoot H4350 with 105 VLD's and Federal 205M's. Since I had a jug of StaBall and Hodgdon had data, I decided to give it a whirl. I loaded 38.0 up to 40.0 in .5 grain increments. 38, 38.5 and 39 grains had the classic click/boom hang fires, with it progressively decreasing with the higher charges. The 39.5 and 40.0 charges seemed to be normal with no hang fires. No pressure signs or heavy bolt lift all the way to 40.0 grains. I'll wild guess it's time to switch primers. I have WSR, Rem 7 1/2's and some 450's on hand. Any opinion or experience on which to go with first? And btw, it was 50 degrees outside temp, so not really cold.
Well, the way I do stuff is to take a single case (or 3) and run up-up-up until the primer pockets loosen. Throw those cases away. IMO this has to be done ANYways so I'd stick with the 205's at this juncture unless you have some other method of testing pressure??? Where I'm going with this is that IF it's a low-pressure issue you can resolve the question using this method.

That said, I once had a similar issue with a shottygun and in several conversations with the Federal Engineers it was brought out that "Federal shotgun primers are incompatible with certain powders"..... my combination was on the list of "incompatible"

As far as "experience with other combinations" my personal belief is that barring an actual "incompatibility issue" there is no such animal as a Pet Load (sorry Ken) so as such I'd simply try another combination, starting low of course. I've had certain feelings re one primer being "hotter" thn nother only to find that in the long term perhaps other factors were at play. I hesitate now to make assumptions and would certainly never pass on my personal anecdotes as proof that "XXX primer is hotter or cooler" than XXY primer