6PPC Reamer for Gentner's Mojos



Hi guys :
suppose one has a healthy stock of these good bullets and plans to have his next barrels chambered specially for them ( does that concept even make sense ? ) which reamer ( brand and ref ) would you advise , which detailed specs and caracteristics would you recommend ? Does anyone have an email contact of someone from JGS ? thanks for your help .
What do you think of the attached reamer pictured ,said to go well with long ogive (9) bulllets ?


  • 6PPC_ARTAUD.jpg
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I've shot a lot of Don's Bullets. Still have a few thousand. The JGS1045 print will work just fine. Dwight Scott won some yardages and agg's at the Nationals with them and he used the basic JGS reamer and that's what he does all my barrel's with and I have never had a problem with shooting any kind of bullet. I have not shot the Wedge though.

I also shoot with Don's Mojo's and Blackbirds.
The reamer used for my chamber was a Pacific though....

But what should be the perfect one? A Henriksen probably?????

Well...when I refered to the JGS...I was actually refering to the Print of JGS1045 which is the standard PPC print. Dwight does not use the JGS reamers, I believe he uses the Henriksen reamers. Sorry for the confusion. Should have read my reply before posting it.

Hi Pascal,

Your drawing is perfect !!!!
The main reason being that I did it :)

The print is primarly a JGS 1045 with 2 modifications:
The total case length is reduced from 1.5250" to 1.5100" to suit better the Lapua cases (dimension T).
The free bore (dimension U & V ) is .0400", corresponding to .0250" if the original 1.5250" had been kept. This shorter free bore is to fit better the modern pointed or double O bullets.:rolleyes: