6PPC and 30BR BANNED from Competition!

  • Thread starter C. Moe Fowenone
  • Start date

C. Moe Fowenone

Today, both the NBRSA and IBS banned the 6PPC and 30 BR from all registered benchrest competition. Insiders said it was a bow to the politically strong "experimenters wing" of the benchrest community. Also mentioned in the surprise announcement was that the 6PPC was singled out as BORING. Some close to these decisions cited equipment lists showing the the redundant 6PPC as not supporting diversity in our shooting sport.

Oh ye devoted to the short squat case you have a venue to sling the little pills downrange. The most forward looking of benchrest sanctioning bodies, All Latitudes and Longitudes Benchrest Shooters (ALLBS) still allow these banned cartridges to compete! We just need to find a range to host an ALLBS match...our schedule will be printed on April 1, 2011.

C. Moe Fowenone
Benevolent and Omniscient Zenith of Oneholedom (BOZO)
All Latitudes and Longitudes Benchrest Shooters
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I guess it's time to dig out the old 25BR. Or chamber up another 30PPC.

I sure hope they don't ban the bolt action Rifle. After all, those evil things have stifled creativity for going on a hundred years...........jackie
4-1-2010 Weeeeeeeeee

April 1 is FUN.....:D:p:rolleyes:

Look guy's and gal's..... Water found on the Moon...:D


  • apollodrinkingfountain[1].jpg
    44.8 KB · Views: 454
Thats allright. Real men shoot score with a 204. Never could figure out why you guys wanted those big honkin pills to kill those little tiny dots.
Sorta like rabbit huntin with a Ballistic Missile.
Full auto

I guess it's time to dig out the old 25BR. Or chamber up another 30PPC.

I sure hope they don't ban the bolt action Rifle. After all, those evil things have stifled creativity for going on a hundred years...........jackie

Yea Jackie didnt you hear it will be full auto only.