6 X 47 iMPROVED - Need Advice



New guy here - Just came across a very nice old style BR rifle with a cantilevered 20X Unertle in 6 x 47 Improved. I understand that the old 6 x 47 (as opposed to the new style Lapua) was formed from .222 magnum which isn't exactly easy to find. Seems like the .204 Ruger might be a candidate but wanted to check and see if there's enough brass there to neck up to 6mm and blow out the shoulder or am I going to have to wait for someone to start making .222 magnum again.

Any help would be appreciated.

30* or 40* improved ?

I have a 6 x 22 magnum Ackley Improved. I have 300 Remington 222 magnum brass. I use a Redding type s 223 Ackley full length sizing die, appropriate bushings.. Seems to work fine ,been awhile since i've used it.It's on a Savage small shank.

Look for a cartridge schematic of the 204 Ruger and the 22 Remington Magnum. Seems like i've read somewhere that the 204 brass will work.
6X47 improved-need advice

The only company making 222 mag brass is Remington.
Most suppliers are out of it right now
The 204 brass will work fine you just have to expand it up I would expand it twice
Once to 224 then to 6mm and use a tapered expander button.
I have 2 and both shoot really well.
fact is i'm ready for a set back on both rifles but have decided to go with the standard 6X 47 remington this time
The new powders should work really well in the standard case.
When the .204 was a year or 2 old brass was a lot more plentiful and I got a handful of once fired brass made by both Hornady and Winchester.
I was able to make the standard 6X47 Rem without any trouble. I never pursued it any further because I had a lot of new .222 Mag brass and don't expect to need .204 anytime soon.
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I competed in UBR Factory class last year with a 6x47 and had some limited success. I have a fair amount of 222 mag brass for prairie dogs and used some of it. I tried both Hornady and Nosler 204 brass, but felt it was pretty thin once it was necked up. Really, unless you are looking for an enormous amount of 222 Rem mag brass you should be able to find some. I've had several rifle chambered in same and have always been able to find some here and there with patience. It's just difficult to get it from the big distributors. I have some new 6x47 head stamp Federal nickel plated brass that I would probably sell if you are interested. You can email me tnmountainaire@bellsouth.net

Get some of those cases from Rick. They won't make the rifle shoot better but you'll think they will...and that's a pretty big deal to me. The 6X47 shoots pretty good some days, some days not!