.338Lapua Imp information for new project



Hi all looking for some advice on Barrel lenght and twist rate in .338lapua Imp using 250grn lapua scenar projectiles. Also loads and trajectories would also be good. i am building a new project for 1000yard bench rest heavy gun.
I dont think the 338Lapua Imp is the ideal 1000 yard gun, mabey 1500-2000yard gun. I prefer the 300gr SMK because you can also use it for hunting, the Scenars are paper punchers only.
The 300gr SMK's must be measured for bearing surface length for top accuracy though.
Mine is a 36" 1-10" twist barrel (was, now chopped off to 33").
Thanks for the info

would you happen to have load data and ballistics tables for the 300 SMK

I've built an improved version for years. Loading data, 95 Grs. RL25 gives you about 2950 fps with 300's. You can get 250's up to 3250 FPS with a 32"+ barrel and a few more grains powder.
The one thing holding the 338 back is the accuracy of the bullets. More will be coming to market this year.


Gents ,
I would assume that a reamer is available from PTG for the Improved version of the 338Lapua.. 40 Degree shoulder .I was wondering ...who you all liked for getting the dies made ...
Also , anybody here had any experience with the New 338 Norma .
Hi Vince

I went with a shallower shoulder angle. Just not that crazy about the way dies work with 40 degree shoulders.


Gentlemen ,
I would be very interested in any of your recommendations and experiences with this caliber ...as I'm sure SpinDrift would be ...
thanks again
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i agree, mine has a 35*shoulder and .010 taper. if i was to make any change i might have gone .015 taper. i also like 300's, and prooved to myself that scenars don't work so hot on game.

i never really saw the precision required for benchrest in mine, but it is not, nor was intended, a benchrest rig. 3 shots from a cold bore, under good conditions do hold around 5 inches, but thats a far cry from competitive b.r. guns. i have been using retumbo, not for any other reason then the store had lots of it, and i was satisfied with the load. i get 2990fps with it out of a 30" krieger, and this in my gun is the MAX(smk's). i found 2950 to be my max with the scenars/retumbo combo.

great 4 legger sniping round, not so much benchrest, but opinions are like a$$holes right, we all have one.
