30br group size


New member
i can't seem to shoot smaller than a .300 group after subtracting the .308 bullet diameter. what kind of group size are the top 10 finishers getting at 100 yards? i have shot 4 shot group that measure .180 but always seem to have a flyer that opens up the group to .300 plus size.
please tell me what you are shooting.
Lapua brass, Federal 205M primers, H4198, Hillbilly 118's
I never shoot groups but I hit most of the chiggers at 100 yards.
. . . please tell me what you are shooting.
Well, don't remember group sizes particularly, but the aggs are competitive with the PPC. Shooting in HV (group), mine's got a bunch of top tens and a few places. 'Bout as well as I can shoot. This back in the days when we had 40+ people at a match...
The one and only registered group match I shot in my agg was .26-- something for 4th place. Had the mall group in the warmup.I had a brain cramp and shot 6 into one of the groups which increased the size of the hole. It's not fun getting old :).

Sold that rifle to a lad in Texas. I can't seem to marry the good ones for some reason.
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i can't seem to shoot smaller than a .300 group after subtracting the .308 bullet diameter. what kind of group size are the top 10 finishers getting at 100 yards? i have shot 4 shot group that measure .180 but always seem to have a flyer that opens up the group to .300 plus size.
please tell me what you are shooting.

Jeff you said nothing about WIND FLAGS........... The responders are assuming you are using them....AND are SEEING
your ranges effects on these 30 cal bullets... At least most of the effects...

You can say, I shoot when there is no wind. Early in the mornings, late in the evenings.... Uhhh Huuu.. Better have flags out there you CAN READ...

Will say, I do have a similar problem as you shooting 5 shots ITTY BITTY with a 30, even with very mild conditions...
3shots, I can rip off into Ones.... The 4 or 5th typically smears the final group to big twos or threes... When I do get a sub .200 5 shot group at 100yds, I'm pretty thrilled.!

My test was to compare my group shooting with a LV 6ppc to my 30BR HV .... EVERYTIME with the ppc, I out agged the 30BR @ 100/200yds.

Gun handling and the speed at which I can shoot the group/read condition, I am almost always consistently better with the ppc, even a LV gun.

I'm working the issue... Its both the rear bag and my condition reading... The rear bag with the ppc, I seem to be OK...
The 30, somethings a touch "not right".... I may buy a Gator rear bag that's more massive...

I know the issue I have with my 30BR HV in group shooting is affecting my X count in score...

Jeff, can you shoot pretty consistent < .150 3-shot groups with your equipment... ? This speaks volumes for your entire set-up, wind flags and all... But does not tell the whole story.

The 30 has been fun but I have learned that a bullet out (.308 diam touching the group) with a VERY slight condition change will turn a One into a BIG THREE REAL FAST...! Them big bullets get pushed around real easy in the atmosphere everything else equal... The same thing with a 6ppc, BUT turns a One into a Two.

Tell us about your gun and set-up... Oh and wind flags are a must at this level of accuracy...
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The 30 has been fun but I have learned that a bullet out (.308 diam touching the group) with a VERY slight condition change will turn a One into a BIG THREE REAL FAST...! Them big bullets get pushed around real easy in the atmosphere everything else equal... The same thing with a 6ppc, BUT turns a One into a Two.
Must be unique to you. The hole may look bigger, but they use a bigger reticle to measure the .30s, you know. With the .30s and group, I've always done (competitively) better at the longer ranges.

Ballistically, the usual .30s have just a little edge on the usual 6mms. Not enough to make a difference, but to the extent there is one, they'll drift a tiny bit less in the wind. They do have more recoil. I can shoot one as fast a a PPC, but 'm not that fast with a PPC, so I can see your point.
. . . Them big bullets get pushed around real easy in the atmosphere everything else equal...

Here we go again. Bullets don't get pushed around by the wind. They are deflected. Doesn't make any difference if they are big or small. Same BC, same velocity, same deflection.

They are deflected. Doesn't make any difference if they are big or small. Same BC, same velocity, same deflection.


Ray, fair enough... Just seems more sensitive... Retrospect, .308 bullet holes touching compared to .243 touching,
.065 difference ... Does not look like much mathematically... On TARGET paper, looks HUGE.:p
Everything equal, the ballistics yield similar deviation (deflection) for the typical 30 and 6mm short range bullets. BC and velocity of each (say a .270BC 6mm @ 3400fps and a .310BC 30BR @ 2990fps) makes deviation similar..... This is true.

With the .30s and group, I've always done (competitively) better at the longer ranges. Charles

I'm not a long range shooter/competitor but at 200yds, It is true that I have bettered my 100 yd agg with the 30's on more than one occasion...

Just have a tough time shooting a competitive Agg with a 30BR at 100yds group.... Score for that matter too...
More work needed on my part...

Thanks for the corrections guys,

When I had fliers, I changed my neck tension. I went .001 tighter, and it seems to help. Everything else was left the same.

33.4 grn H4198 Wolf Primers 116 grn conley bullets Lapua brass .325 neck bushing