300 uitra improved



Hey guys I read about Don Neilson shooting a 300 ultra improved any one mind to tell whats the difference between the two.
I appreciate the info I called today about one of your neck turners look forward to getting it, Ive heard there great.
Lou Murdica was shooting a ultra mag on the same bench that Don was on but it didn't look improved.
I don't know anything about Lou's gun but my 300 improved is called a 300 Tomahawk, It takes some of the taper out of the case and then puts a 35 degree shoulder on it. Shoots a 240 grain SMK accuratly at 2900fps. You can drive them well over 3000fps but accuracy falls off more than I like to see
what is the advantage of the tomahawk just curious, Ive heard so much good and bad about the ultra for example,a well known builder told me you could not burn the powder this cartridge holds in a 35 inch barrel let alone a 30 He kept pushing me to build a win. mag. but I knew the ultra has more velocity which is something I need to fight wind.I hated this because I wanted him to do this build

I don't know there are any advantages other than you can get 30-378 velocity without a belted mag. and I'm not certain that’s an advantage either. If you’re shooting paper the 300 WSM is hard to beat. Very accurate and efficient. Good barrel life too. If you want to kill something at 1000 yards big bullets going fast will serve you well, barrel life is terrible and it takes a whole lot of powder. In a hunting situation neither of these things should be much concern. Shooting paper it becomes very expensive very quick.

My Tomahawk has a 30" barrel and works great, I know another guy that has a 36" barrel and his works well too. He gets more velocity but I don't know if it's needed.It's all overkill no matter how you look at it.

300 rum

I shoot a 300 RUM, there are alot of reasons not to suggest a 300 RUM, the biggest seems to be not being able to get good brass. Nosler custom brass is available again here and there, it's not too bad but it's expensive. The throat in this gun isn't wearing much since I dropped velocities to 2900, but anything above that and every 50 rounds you can measure it moving out. Unless I'm really missing something I can't get the case capacity where I think it should be. I did just add a muzzle brake to help manage recoil, it's in a light gun(I was the guy with the duct tape on his finger at Pella).

I'm planning to test bringing the velocities and pressure up to the max to see if there's an accuracy improvement and shoot up this barrel. After that test I'll likely recamber but that will take some time to sort out.

I'm a rookie at this 1000 yard stuff, and there's a big learning curve so keep that in mind but I wouldn't suggest going with a 300 RUM. This barrel has over 750 rounds thru it and unless I'm going to use it as a hunting gun I'll switch to something else when it's gone. I'll have 2 new 30 WSM's for next year regardless.

(H1000, 210 Bergers, 208 Amax's, provide the best results I've been able to acheive with a 10 twist. If I were going to keep this around I'd setup for a heavier bullet and change twists.)

Good Luck!
has anybody ever thought of the .338 Edge? isnt it a 300 RUM necked up (.338-.300 RUM)?