30 minutes of your time, please.

JBS: A great place to sit on ones a$$ and write your congressman letters. (which are ignored)Or you can hand out flyer's.

Has the LDS church completely taken over the leadership of the JBS?

That was the direction it was going in, years ago when I was a member.

I never figured out what that style of activision accomplished.
Sorry, how I spend my time is my biz and my intestinal fortitude and love of country is much to great for you to question but I don't follow links without some sort of hint as to where they lead. Also, I don't even understand what any of those initials mean.
Might be just another "save the whales" witch hunt". :confused:
Sorry, how I spend my time is my biz and my intestinal fortitude and love of country is much to great for you to question but I don't follow links without some sort of hint as to where they lead. Also, I don't even understand what any of those initials mean.
Might be just another "save the whales" witch hunt". :confused:

History and political-economic systems.