30 BR bullets - how mutch lube?



Hello, I am starting to produce 30 BR bullets, I need some informations about lube.
I would make 1000 bullets 30br 117 grs., how much lube I should to use?
I make my 6mm bullets with a mix of vaselina and lanoline anidra (50/50), can I use the same lube?
Thank you in advance for Your help.
Hello, I am starting to produce 30 BR bullets, I need some informations about lube.
I would make 1000 bullets 30br 117 grs., how much lube I should to use?
I make my 6mm bullets with a mix of vaselina and lanoline anidra (50/50), can I use the same lube?
Thank you in advance for Your help.


Mr Cheek in his above post is A GREAT person to direct your bullet making questions.
He's a BUSY man making bullets but I'm sure can give you solid answers.

1st think of a series of question you have and e-mail Ronnie (click on his icon for e-mail link). Ronnie can read them at his leasure.

Things you need to point out about your equiptment / techniques...

Carbide core seat die point die..? Steel core seat point dies...? Steel dies require 2x as much lube typically (especially when new).

Type of container you are lubing your jackets....?

food for thought...
Hello Mr.Cheek,
I am using carbide dies (detsch) for 6 mm e 30mm. Now I am using for 6 mm bullets about this range: 1,8/2,5 grains of lube, depend the lot of jackets that I am using. I am taking advantage of your kindness to ask to you if the amount of lubricant is fmore or less correct, and if I can use the same amount for the 30 BR.
If you have any advice for me to make the bullets I'm grateful, I started this wonderful experience a few months ago and I hope to improve day by day.
Thanks in advance for the help that you give me
Hello, I am starting to produce 30 BR bullets, I need some informations about lube.
I would make 1000 bullets 30br 117 grs., how much lube I should to use?
I make my 6mm bullets with a mix of vaselina and lanoline anidra (50/50), can I use the same lube?
Thank you in advance for Your help.

Try 2.6 to 2.7 Gr. per 1,000 jackets to seat, then, add another 2.6 to 2.7 Gr. before pointing. As you have learned with your 6mm bullets, as dictated by you dies, and the jackets, be prepared to adjust the lube amount; these amounts will get you close. Some people prefer to apply all of the lube ( say, 5.4 Gr./1,000) prior to core-seating; once you have the 'correct' amount of lube for your system, either method will work. Good shootin'! RG