22 BR matches near Lincoln, NH


Are there any 22 BR matches scheduled in the Lincoln NH area(within 30-40 miles) for late may?? I know it may be a little early for some club schedules to be made.

Im planning on visiting and might like to shoot.

Anyone in that area take a guy panfishing??
There is a match at Country Pond in Newton, NH on 5/27. It looks to be 2hrs south of Lincoln. Its an IR50 sporter & 3gun match. We have plenty of extra equipment if needed & would love to have ya'.
You can contact the MD here
or pm me & we'll set you up.
Don't know the area as to panfishing but can tell you to bring plenty of bug dope!!
The following weekend there's a match in Damariscotta, Maine 6/3. Same format, same cast of characters.
Range info here http://www.ir5050.com/range-maine-lincoln-county-rifle-club/
I could set you up for some brookies or rainbow's then. But again, bring plenty of bug dope!!!
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