.22/243 Middlested.


New member
Just rebarreled my .22/243 Middlested, the last batch of .243 lapua cases for the old barrel were fireformed by the cream of wheat method, the new full length sized Lapua cases for the latest barrel fit with a nice drag on the bolt so the case is headspaced just right, i'm wondering if I need to fireform? Any suggestions from fellow Middlested owners would be appreciated.
If they fit now great ! What loads and velocity were you shooting ? How many rnds fried previous bbl ? I shoot a 6x284 and its hard on bbls ?
I don't have a .22-243, but unless you're using the rifle for match shooting and the cases headspace properly before fireforming just load them and fireform them doing what you use the rifle for. Performance will be slightly less than with fireformed cases, but a small scope adjustment should take care of that. Rather than fireforming cases for my .223 AI or 6x47 Imp (6 mm - 222 Mag Imp) at the range I load the cases and fireform them shooting prairie dogs. They can't tell the difference and accuracy isn't changed much if any at all.
I baught another BBl for the Dasher that I won the 2011 IBS 1K nationals with...going to save that tube. Anyway, That new tube is, without a doubt, the MOST accurate firearm I have ever owned .....while FFing brass. I would shoot them in a match without hesitation, but the effort it takes to close the bolt is kinda hard and upsets the gun in the bags. I think I will shoot a bunch of "F" class matches with it next couple of years and stock up on formed dasher brass!! I never have found a true dasher load that has even come close to the accuracy of the FFing loads.

I gues what I am saying is.....just shoot the thing...Don't even bother with the COW method.

I've worked up a load for the 22/243 Midd. that's working very well, no fireforming, just form and shoot! I reloaded some of the cases that i'd shot and couldn't find any difference from the original non FF brass loads. Thanks for the replies.
Unless I'm mistaken the 22/243 Middlested shouldn't require fireforming. The FL die lengthens the neck to 300 thou and pushes the shoulder back to 30 degrees, about as steep as you can go without fireforming (admittedly some factory brass is 35 degrees, but the proportion with less than perfect shoulders goes up as the shoulder gets steeper).

If a case needs fireforming it'd be a 22/243 Improved of one incarnation or another. When it's as overbore as a 22/243, fireforming can accelerate throat erosion. I have a 22/243 Winchester because it's just one easy pass through a FL die. I've often wondered about a 22/243 Middlested, but Redding dies for the 22/243 Winchester were easy to come by and I can use 308 Winchester gauges for chambering.

The 22/243 Middlested is like a longer 22 BR. I've also wondered about using seater and neck dies for the 22 BR for the 22/243 Middlested. Just some thoughts...
