21st Cent priming tool


I am seeking opinions of folks who own or have seen up close the 21st Century Priming tool that uses the Lee primer tray.

How do you like it? Does it have more camming power than the standard Lee tool? Primer depth adjustable?
It appears to replace the handle and body of the Lee, but what about the guts? Their website doesn't give many details.......

Thanks for any info.
Great product IMO. I have been very happy with everything I have ordered from 21st Century. I have 2 of them now, one set up for BR and one for PPC. Way better camming power than the standard Lee tool. Also a lot more comfortable to use and a lot easier on the thumbs. Primer depth is adjustable with an allen wrench. You do not use the guts of the lee just the trays. I am planning on getting another one to use for some hunting calibers but I need to find on of the old Lee primers first. They are getting hard to find and I do not like the new Lee tool with the square trays.
After having seen a Lee Priming tool set off a full tray of primers, I have COMPLETELY switched everything over to 1 at a time tools. Only thing that kept a number of people from being hurt was that the tool was pointed away from the reloader and pointed at a wall. Scared the living CRAP out of everyone around him!!!!!!
I have one they are great. Love the ability to set the seating depth just like with the sinclair or K&M
I used to use the Lee AutoPrime but bought the 21st Century tool (without tray) this spring. Works great and is easy to adjust. I enjoyed using the Lee but the plastic tray corners were prone to breaking off, and even their 'new' style still had some jam ups that took time to resolve. Don
I bought one and used it for quite a while and then became a little bit unhappy with the unit --- probably more my problem than anything else -- but somehow the allen screw worked loose at it was seating the primers too deep. Did not notice it until I had a couple of no fires at the bench and noticed the primer was really down in the pocket. I know it was my error and I should have been checking them as they were primed but I just got too comfortable with the tool and quit checking. As I said, my error. At any rate, that issue along with my concerns about lots of primers in my hand (see Halblom comment above) has me back to the one-at-a-time Sinclair ---- a bit slower but seems to work better for me.
I really like mine but have found the lock screw for the seating adjustment does come loose if not tightened real tight....I put some locktite on mine that stopped the problem.......Ian
20th Century Priming tools

The adjustable K&M ,single feed primer tool. This one is 13 years old now. A perfectly reliable tool. Just as good as any "One at a time Tool."


A cheaper way to go,if you still have the old Lee auto prime. Buy the problematic new one with the square tray. remove the handle and install it in the old Lee tool. The old tool handle is made out of "Pot Metal" I believe. Prone to break right in the middle of a priming session. I've had it happen a few times. The new Lee tool handle is much stronger and I haven't had one break yet.


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I did that very thing you showed in your last picture. Didn't feel the least bit guilty of robbing the new tool's handle and putting it on the old body. That new square tray tool is a primer spitting piece of $*#*!
Primer Spitter..Yep..Looks like the only thing the old Lee Auto Prime tool needed was a better handle. Perfect example of,"if it aint broke........

The old Lee Auto Prime tool gets a lot of negative attention on this board and others. I have been using it for years and have never had a failure of any kind. I have worn a few out to the point where replacement parts were needed but never a catostrophic failure.

At one time I had half a dozen of them, set up with shell holders for the cartridges I most often reloaded. Since then I have adopted a minimalist lifestyle and got rid of a lot of stuff including all but one Lee Auto Prime tool. I took the parts from another Lee Auto Prime tool to create my Frankenstine 21st Century priming tool. I feel the 21st Century priming tool is a significant improvement over the old Lee Auto Prime tool. It is better built and an improved design. I would bet that it will outlast my old Lee Auto Prime tool.

Lawrence Hanson