2022 ASSA National Smallbore Championships


Fellow Competitors:

The 2022 ASSA National Smallbore Championship match program has been posted to our website and entries are now being accepted both on-line and via USPS. The matches include F-SBR, conventional prone and metric 3-position phases.

2022 ASSA National Smallbore Championships

In addition to the match program, ASSA has also posted a match calendar, the current ASSA rule book and all forms that are to be completed by every participant prior to arrival at the range for check-in. For ease of convenience, the .PDF forms have also been updated to enable completion online, after which they can be printed and brought to the range.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to ASSA and we will respond as quickly as possible. The ASSA Leadership looks forward to seeing you all in the near future.

Best Regards,
ASSA Secretary / Treasurer