2021 NBRSA National Score results


Hunter Class results
Varmint for Score results


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Wayne, Thank you for all your work in running such a great Nationals. From a shooter's perspective, the match was flawless. That is due to the countless hours you (and others) spent in preparation. Not to mention, the prize table was incredible. I was a ref for the VFS. Out of all the targets scored, there was not one protest. Please tell your grandkids thank you and great job in scoring and running the targets.

I sure can’t add much to what Jason said, only to say that I had a great time and have no complaints.

Well, one complaint. The conditions were about as bad as one could encounter while trying to keep ‘em on the X. What little brain power I have was totally depleted:p

I can’t wait to do it again:D
What a great time!

Wayne and the crew at Benchrest Rifle Club of St Louis put on a great score nationals!

We had a great time and looking forward to shooting there again sometime!

Thank you Wayne!

Russ & Brett

Thanks to All- I truly appeciate your comments. Our club has a history of trying to host great matches, even when I joined in the mid 1970's we were known for good matches.

Wayne Corley