2018 SE Region 100 yard stage - Roanoke Rifle and Revolver Club - October 6-7

Steve Lee

Active member
Weekend after next (October 6-7) Roanoke Rifle and Revolver Club will host the 100 yard stage of the 2018 NBRSA SE Regional Championship. The 200 yard stage was held at MGGOA in Dublin GA in July.

Roanoke Rifle and Revolver Club is located at 1305 Gun Club Drive Roanoke, VA 24101. Contact Gil Gross at 276-732-2328 for details.

Y'all come shoot! See you there.

Steve Lee
Roanoke shoot starts a week from today. In addition to being the 100 yard stage of the 2018 SE Regional Championship it is also the Ted Manning Challenge.

Y'all come shoot and we'll have a great time!

I'll be there Thursday afternoon. See you there.

Roanoke results.......

Does anyone know of where I could see the results of the 2018 SE Regional shoot at Roanoke.

Thanks in advance.
Does anyone know of where I could see the results of the 2018 SE Regional shoot at Roanoke.

Maybe send an email to Steve Lee (his email address is listed in the back of Precision Rifleman); if he doesn't respond you might try to contact:

a. the match director, Gil Gross (his phone number is shown in post # 1 above), or
b. Danny Morgan or Johnnie Webb (I think they both went to the shoot), or
c. Don Hardeman or Gary Sullivan (they both live in Jacksonville), or one of the other shooters who shot the 200 yd portion at Dublin (see http://benchrest.com/showthread.php...-SE-Regional-200-Yard-Roger-Avery-wins-HV-200).

If those alternatives don't work, you may have to wait about four months for the results to be shown in the magazine.
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Fat , HFV wanted to attend but eyes made it very unsafe for himself and any other driver on the road. Would not have been able to see target or reticle , anyhow.
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You might have shot better not being able to see...

There's something wrong that Steve hasn't posted the results...hope it's not serious.
There's something wrong that Steve hasn't posted the results...hope it's not serious.

I called Gil Gross a few minutes ago; he said Steve won the overall championship; Wayne Campbell won the 100 yd leg and shot a potential record that Steve re-measured and it passed that hurdle. There were 14 shooters. I guess the results will be posted eventually.
I called Gil Gross a few minutes ago; he said Steve won the overall championship; Wayne Campbell won the 100 yd ...."There were 14 shooters. I guess the results will be posted eventually.

14 shooters. Our last SE Unaka shoot we had 13. Used to have 60+.

SER is on a roll!
