2017 Group Nationals


New member
2017 Group Nationals **Form Added 5/15**

Hello All,
As you have heard the 2017 Group Nationals will be held in St. Louis at Bench Rest Rifle Club on September 18-23. I know that people have tried to contact me and that I have not been very responsive. We are still finalizing our registration documents and will have them posted very shortly. All registration will occur with this on-line form that will then email to our central address. We are also still in the process of changing our camp sites around. I apologize for the delay, but we had not planned on holding the Nationals this year, and are in catch up mode. Scott Pieper at BRRC will be handling the camping, and I will be working the registrations. I assure everyone that we have more than enough camping spaces, and that we have never run out. We will be posting a camping registration form shortly as well.
Please be patient, between our facility changes, and my busy travel schedule we are a little bit behind, but we will have everything in place to register shortly.
Joe Fesi
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Hello All,
As you have heard the 2017 Group Nationals will be held in St. Louis at Bench Rest Rifle Club on September 18-23. I know that people have tried to contact me and that I have not been very responsive. We are still finalizing our registration documents and will have them posted very shortly. All registration will occur with this on-line form that will then email to our central address. We are also still in the process of changing our camp sites around. I apologize for the delay, but we had not planned on holding the Nationals this year, and are in catch up mode. Scott Pieper at BRRC will be handling the camping, and I will be working the registrations. I assure everyone that we have more than enough camping spaces, and that we have never run out. We will be posting a camping registration form shortly as well.
Please be patient, between our facility changes, and my busy travel schedule we are a little bit behind, but we will have everything in place to register shortly.
Joe Fesi


I have looked for the registration form on the NBRSA web site but the page does not come up. can you post it here also on BRC and maybe Wilbur can put it as a sticky. for the shooters.

Thanks Tom
Talked to Scott Pieper today and he said they are working on the form. I'll either post it on NBRSA.org and here or provide a link to their form (auto-email etc) as soon as it's available.

Steve Lee
Nationals Registration

Here is the letter and registration for the NBRSA Varmint Nationals in St. Louis. Sorry for the delay, but we have been trying to get everything in order. Explanations on the match, camping, and golf cart rentals are all spelled out in the attachment. We had originally thought about having all of the registrations emailed in, but have decided that a paper mail in will be easier to track for our small staff.
Please let me know if anyone needs any additional information or help with reservations. We look forward to seeing you all in September, or maybe a warm up match known as the East West Show Me Shoot out coming up June 24th and 25th!
Joe Fesi


  • 2017 Nationals Letter-Registration.pdf
    196.6 KB · Views: 469
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Getting Close!

Hello All,
We are getting pretty close to the 2017 Group Nationals at STL BRRC. We were able to go through the registrations that have been received at the club and via email to date. Turnout is looking a little light this year for multiple reasons, so we have decided to use the center 50 benches and 10 flag rotations. This makes room for 150 shooters, which is double what is signed up to date. This change saves 800 unused targets, and also makes for less chances of issues with target changes and cross fires!
The registration form has been updated to only contain the active flag rotations. We very much appreciate all of those that volunteered to sponsor flag rotations. We kept the rotations based on when they made contact to volunteer. I apologize for any issues that this may cause anyone.
There are also two additional attachments to this post. They include the current list of registrations received and also a list of current rotations. We have many more verbal requests and camping site reservations than actual registrations at this point, so if you plan to attend please send in your registration as soon as possible.
I travel out of the country very often for my job so email works the best if you need anything. I leave the country again latter this week for Asia so email will definitely work best for any issues or info needed.

*****LAST UPDATED ON 9/5/2017*****

I'm looking forward to seeing many of you in a few weeks.

Joe Fesi
(314) 800-8921


  • 2017 Nationals Letter-Registration.pdf
    334.6 KB · Views: 180
  • 2017 Nationals Registration.pdf
    113.4 KB · Views: 153
  • 2017 Nationals Flag Rotations.pdf
    118.3 KB · Views: 182
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When is the last update of this list for flag rotations? I emailed Joe the other day and my name is not on there.
Joe Hynes
****Flag rotations updated on 9/5/2017****

Please see the attached flag rotation list. It was updated last on 9/5/2017. We were lucky enough to have the president of the NBRSA and an additional referee on-site yesterday and were able to draw for the benches for each of the ten flag rotations. This latest list not only has your flag rotations, but also your bench assignments and competitor numbers. Please review the list and let me know if any changes need to be made for bench sharing or relay changes.
I will be 13 hours time zone different between now and Wednesday September 13th, so email will be the best way to contact me.
Joe Fesi


  • 2017 Nationals Registration.pdf
    113.4 KB · Views: 199
  • 2017 Nationals Flag Rotations.pdf
    118.3 KB · Views: 173
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Joe, Thanks for the early bench rotation schedule! It makes things a whole lot simpler to know it in advance. How many benches are we rotating after each match? You did, I assume, use the NBRSA legal drawing method which is an addled possum defecating on a grid of numbers while holding a picture of the member clenched in its teeth. Tim
Thanks Tim! The chicken took forever since she kept crapping on Coot's picture and wouldn't go anywhere else.
We will rotate 10 benches each target just to keep it easy for the simpleminded like myself.
I had that lucky feeling Joe, but I did come up short for the guy on the bench to my left. More than likely he'll leave early to go watch a race.....
You guys must just be destined to be together. I didn't even notice how that worked out until you pointed it out. You are in charge to make sure that he stays for the whole match!
I had that lucky feeling Joe, but I did come up short for the guy on the bench to my left. More than likely he'll leave early to go watch a race.....
Rex solved that problem by bringing him with him to the matches at Luther. No car, can't leave early.