155 Bullet and Powder question--- Spinoff?


New member
Following the .308 Loads spread I have noted that the Lapua bullet has a great following and I being new to long distance have a convoluted question or two. Please bear with me.

My experience has been with .308 using the Sierra line of 155, 168, and 175MK's. But I just ordered a "quanity" of non moly 155 Lapua's now that I have access to a quality long distance range here in Nevada.

For those who have shot both bullets, the question is: Does the 155 Lapua respond to powder charges in a similiar way to the Sierra 155, or does it have rules unto itself? Additionally, is there a preferred barrel length?

I know that I am making some large assumptions, but have faith in the Lapua products I have used so far. Any obsevations or tricks would greatly be appreciated to shorten my learning curve with these bullets and long distance.

Thanks in advance
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I've shot the 155 SMK, Berger VLD and non-VLD, Hornady Amax, and Lapua bullets all back to back, with the same charge (46.5 gr) of Varget. It struck me that the Lapua's had about 20-30 fps greater muzzle velocity than any of the other 155's. I suspected this had to do with a difference in diameter, but I've never mic'd them.
Brian, Thank you... I always wonder about bearng surface, diameter (within reason) and hardness of the core. Each rifle being a law unto itself is so true.
they are different

The Lapua 308/155's are a very long bullet...the bearing surface is so long the first ones I used made me weigh em....I thought they were 168's in the wrong box..ahahha.........however ...I proceded to try em....
I found them to work well with what ever had workd well with other bullets in the same gun....my fav. is 1gr below max of Rx-15....they are an exclent bullet....Roger