1500-100X 3-gun/UL agg at Salem!


New member
Congratulations to Pete Roberson for some excellent shooting today at our monthly 3-gun and UL matches. Pete shot his first Sporter 250 in a while (he's shot plenty of them in the past!) and told me he'd be happy if that was the only 250 he shot today. I guess he's REALLY happy because he cleaned every target today, two of them with 20+ X counts. I scored his targets and there wasn't a single shot that didn't clearly break the 10 line on any of his targets. 750-52x 3-gun agg followed by 750-48x agg in the UL match. Nice Shooting Pete!
Todd Banks
Congratulations to Pete Roberson for some excellent shooting today at our monthly 3-gun and UL matches. Pete shot his first Sporter 250 in a while (he's shot plenty of them in the past!) and told me he'd be happy if that was the only 250 he shot today. I guess he's REALLY happy because he cleaned every target today, two of them with 20+ X counts. I scored his targets and there wasn't a single shot that didn't clearly break the 10 line on any of his targets. 750-52x 3-gun agg followed by 750-48x agg in the UL match. Nice Shooting Pete!
Todd Banks

That is getting it done!

Super day, Pete. At Salem no less. Focused and zeroed in on the task. You had the day all shooters wish for. Congrats
Thank You

Keith, Tony, Todd and Klayton
Thank You, it was fun wondering if the next shot would go where I wanted to
and after it was all over to set back and catch my breath !
And to all that were there, Thank You for the support, it was fun!
A day I won't soon forget.
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