100 Yard Group Match - Harrison Sportsmans Club 7-20-2013


Al Walewski
The Harrison Sportsmans Club will be holding a 100 yard group match this Saturday 7-20-2013. Gates open at 8:00, the match will start promptly at 10:00. The entrance fee is $13 per class/gun, we'll have the cash option available so bring an extra $5. Please bring the correct change. So far the weather report is forecasting a cool down starting Saturday, hopefully they'll be right this time! :D

Please contact myself (or Dick) by email or posting on this thread if you'd like to reserve a bench with someone.

See you there...
I'll be there...

to register shooters and score. Matt has a family thing he
can't get out of.

Boy! I'll tell ya......I am really gonna miss going up to Harrison on Saturday! Dang family outings anyway! I wish good luck to all that are going to attend. I will really miss the
'after it is all done pow wow' at the Budd Lake Bar. I pick up so much valuable information during these meetings. Dick, please let Larry know that I have his wire in my truck. I will call him when I get back.

Yep I'm not gonna make it this weekend either. I have a funeral to go to Saturday.

Good luck everyone.

Joe Hynes
That isn't good Joe. Sorry for your loss.

Pat Duncan (Duncan Outdoors in Bay City) passes away Wednesday. Deb and I will be making a trip to the funeral home when I get back from Harrison Saturday. The shooting community has lost a great person. Pat was heavily involved as a NRA instructor prior to her illness.