100 Yard Group Match - Harrison Sportsmans Club 5-10-2014



I noticed that there hasn't been a posting about upcoming matches at the Harrison Sportsmans Club so I thought that I would insert what I have found on the Harrison Sportsmans Club website.

Harrison Sportsmans Club.....Event: Benchrest GROUP Match.....Details:All events begin with 8am registration. Shooting from 10am-2pm. Fees announced at a later date. Contact 989-539-1825 and leave message if more information is requested.

This is all that is posted for this match on the website as of today, April 30, 2014.


Here is a list of the Harrison matches from there web sight

May 10
June 21
July 19
Aug 16

June 7
July 5
Aug 2
Sept 6


That's the phone that rings in the club house. I doubt if you could get anybody there most of the time and, certainly, no one that could answer benchrest questions.

Bill "Buffalo" Stiverson is in charge this year and can be reached at 989-539-0023.

Heads up Guys...

I am not going to be involved in running the matches at Harrison this year. Please contact Bill if you plan on reserving benches or have any other issues with the Harrison matches.

I've talked to several...

competitors and it looks like there will be a good turn-out for the first match. Billy told me that he had quite a few phone calls re: the match and that the club has it organized and ready to go.

The weatherman says 67 deg. F and zero percent chance of rain. As usual this is is a group match to practice for the Super Shoot.

Matt Dardas was at the range a couple of days ago practicing with his daughter. No reason to worry about Matt beating you but watch out for his daughter, Andrea... she's a four time All-American with Olympic smallbore rifle.

