!00 Yard Score Match At Harrison


Al Walewski
100 Yard Score Match At Harrison

Harrison will be hosting the last match of our season Saturday (9-11), a 100 yard Score Match. Class will include VFS, Custom and Factory. Gates will open at 8:00am, firing will commence at 10:00am. The coffee will be hot, the donuts fresh so come on out and join us.
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Come to the match... this is your last chance in 2010 to beat "That F***ing Brian". (One word)


Dick Wright
I'll be there Richard along with a new shooter who will be shooting a gun I begged Brian to buy the other night an he passed, so she bought it. Would love to see her beat him with the gun he passed on!! Sorry Brian...................... maybe she'll let ya touch it.

Jeff Aberegg
Keep making them work Brian. When there talking about ya your doing your job.
