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    Rimfire BR barrel maintenance.

    Tim, PM on the way... Thanks, George
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    Rimfire BR barrel maintenance.

    Tim/Landy, I ordered some today. Been using a combo of rimfire blend and kroil which is good, but this stuff sounds really good. Can’t wait to try it out... Thanks again! George
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    Rimfire BR barrel maintenance.

    Sir, How long are letting it soak? Thanks, George
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    What's your favorite front rest.

    It’s the Randolph adjustable MK II top.
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    What's your favorite front rest.

    My brand new Randolph/Fulghum just arrived last night. I couldn’t be happier with it. I sold my Seb Neo in favor of it. The guy I bought my Seb Neo from sold it to me after going back to traditional knob rest. Some folks like coax and some prefer traditional knobs. Try it for yourself and see...
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    F-Class Rimfire

    There are several 200 meter Benchrest silhouette matches around the El Paso area. Five different banks of ten different reduced size silhouette animals at 65m, 75m, 100m, 150m and ending at 200m. It is a blast.
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    What does a nice custom rimfire BR cost?

    Don’t seem to have too many rimfire rifles unless I’m reading that list wrong?
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    What does a nice custom rimfire BR cost?

    Jerry, You have my contact info. I’ll be impatiently rubbing my hands together in anticipation... :D Thanks! George
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    Voodoo Rifle Accuracy

    Todd, I clicked on your site in order to find out more about your product but there’s not much there. Is there a website listing it with more information?
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    unidentified gadget

    Tim, PM’ed, I might be interested in one... :) Thanks, George
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    Turbo Bolt Clip

    Sir, don’t mean to hijack the thread but I just bought a Flash Turbo and was wondering if you had any of the bolt disassembly tools?
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    Voodoo Rifle Accuracy

    Biggest impediment to learning new things is thinking there is nothing new to learn. Keep shaking the tree Mike. . .
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    Kimber 82G trigger modification.....

    Sorry to revive this old thread, but I have two 82G’s and they both shoot surprisingly well with their preferred Ammo. The biggest shortcomings are the stock shape and triggers. Seeing as how there are problems with Mr. Dearborn. Anyone know of someone that could help me with these issues? I...
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    Greenlaw Front Rest...

    After many, many, years shooting off of a Cowan Rest, I just ordered one of these: Dan is an excellent guy to deal with. He is very willing to modify it to suit your own personal needs and tastes. Does anyone have any input as to a modification that might make one...
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    Voodoo Rifle Accuracy

    Thank you guys. Much appreciated. I can definitely see one of these in my safe. They are supposed to have stellar customer service support and the crew has a reputation for being very nice guys which goes a very long way with me. I’m gonna give them a call directly...
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    Voodoo Rifle Accuracy

    Anybody here know anything about them? I’m considering one not for Benchrest, but for some of the new tactical long range rimfire matches that are growing so quickly lately. I know when it comes down to rimfire accuracy, you guys are the experts so I thought I’d ask here if anyone knew anything...
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    Where to shoot

    Sadly there aren’t any in my area. I wish it was more prominent but it appears it’s mostly a regional thing, especially in the south.
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    Rimfire tuners

    I am not a traditional Benchrest shooter. If we had that type of match around here I would though. I shoot benchrest silhouette to 200 meters. I’ve had tuners before. Not a big fan. I have a tuner on one of my rifles presently. The other day I went through I don’t know how many rounds of SK...
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    Rimfire Chamber Cleaning - Steel Wool ?

    Gosh I’m sorry guys. I responded to the wrong thread. This was actually to the guy who inquired about tuning his 10/22 with green tag. I apologize... And I agree with you whole heartedly Tony.
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    Rimfire Chamber Cleaning - Steel Wool ?

    I am not a traditional Benchrest shooter. If we had that type of match around here I would though. I shoot benchrest silhouette to 200 meters. I’ve had tuners before. Not a big fan. I have a tuner on one of my rifles presently. The other day I went through I don’t know how many rounds of SK...