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    I believe Neal rolled up the carpet and locked the door. Mark
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    Barrell Length

    Question Are you more interested in maximum velocity, consistent velocity, or maximum accuracy? Is the barrel length for all three necessarliy the same? Mark
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    Gene Davis Worlds best shooting gunsmith!!

    Congratulations Gene. I guess you weren't kidding when you said the pinned barrels worked just fine. I'm guessing it's not a stock barrel? Mark
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    How much does cold temperatures...

    You allow trolls across the bridge to shoot in your matches? Mark
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    ding on chamber

    I have seen them deep enough they hurt ignition. Mark
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    Best Bolt Action 22 LR for $500 ??

    Best 22 for $500 Rich, If you could stretch the budget another $100 to $150, you could probably buy a used Anschutz model 64 off GunBroker. It would more than get you started. Mark
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    Info on Lilja SS barrel (for .22)

    Good guess. A Noptel is a training system using a reflector on a target to measure your hold, shot, and follow through. Client software on a computer keeps score and allows you to replay each shot. The only bad thing is you can't blame poor shots on ammo or wind. :D Mark
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    Info on Lilja SS barrel (for .22)

    John, Many of the best of the best 22 RF prone shooters use a wood stock. There is a theory that wood actually helps dampen vibration improving accuracy. I've been shooting and competing since college, but only became serious about outdoor prone last year. Perfecting the setup of my wood 1913...
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    old 40x question

    Interesting, I see what you are saying. I have 3 and they have the spring piece and are clean, but rounds will still fall off to the left. Maybe they are worn; I'll check. I've seen others complain in posts about the same issue but never saw a solution. Mark
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    10/22 no one seems to like em here pics?

    Let's be Fair The 50 yard prone is a gimme target. The 50 meter reduced A27 or International A50 would be a more interesting comparison. Mark
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    10/22 no one seems to like em here pics?

    I think that about covered it..... Mark
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    old 40x question

    Rounds also tend to fall to the left side of the ramp rather than sitting on top. It's one design element that could be improved. Mark
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    Is 541x a good base to build on?

    A friend accurized one and had to set the barrel back to get it square. Unless you want to collect CMP rifles or use it to plink, I'd sell it and buy a new or used Anschutz. Mark
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    old 40x question

    There is a small metal channel/ramp that lays in the bottom of the receiver attached by a screw up through the bottom. I always feed the round into the chamber by hand to protect the bullet and wax, so I don't think you are missing much. Mark
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    Daylight Savings Time

    Hmmm, it looks like loosing one hour of sleep last night has some folks more grumpy than usual. Everyone head out to the range for some trigger time. You'll feel better. Mark
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    Technical questions about action screws.

    Recoil Lug I think the problem is the nature of the question. With my limited knowledge I don't know of any conventional target or benchrest rifle that bolts into the lug. Many RF shooters do away with the lug. Where there is one, we work real hard to make sure the only place it touches the...
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    Shooting groups vs 25 targets?

    The problem is very noticable on the prone 50 yard or 100 yard target where there are 3 bulls stacked. Switching from the top sighter target to the bottom target or even the middle moves the POI. You can shoot a one hole 50-5X on the 50 yard bull but when you drop down to the next target it...
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    10/22 no one seems to like em here pics?

    10/22 I've never seen one on the line at a prone or 3 position event either, which is slightly less demand of accuracy than benchrest. Having to single load one is a pain and could be part of the reason. I have seen a couple show up at club level silhouette matches but everyone I can think of...
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    Training Rifle

    Buy a 40X RF action and have Davis mount a Lilja tightbore barrel. You can use the same trigger, rail and sights as you do now. I'm pretty sure the stock should fit too (short action), depending on what you do with the recoil lug. I built a similiar 40X RF in a Masterclass stock with a Jewel...
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    Kathy, from a previous post:

    Killer Book Bill, If you decide to write a book, consider wrapping the accuracy knowledge within your life story. Understanding how you gained your insights would be of great interest. Mark