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  1. S

    Help a friend select a benchrest action

    I agree with the above, but would add the Holeshot Arms Trident action to the list. The Trident and the 2500X actions are both as close to flawless as you can get.
  2. S

    How Did You Set Up Your SEB NEO?

    I think you will want the counter weight. I was unaware that there were two weights, so I can't tell you which one to use. The one I have allows you to slide the weight forward or back to get the correct balance. The "donut" on mine is 1" thick and 2" in diameter. I have it set close to the...
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    How Did You Set Up Your SEB NEO?

    +1 As of January this year, this was a good email.
  4. S

    How Did You Set Up Your SEB NEO?

    Bob- Here is the link for how to assemble the Neo rest with the short leg to the rear with the short rear leg screw (along with the part numbers if you need to order parts). If you need to order any parts, call Mike Rattigan PH 405-423-4012
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    How Did You Set Up Your SEB NEO?

    I would not pretend to know the intent of the design. That being said, I tried my Seb Neo facing both ways and there is no question as to which way works best for me. Having the short leg to the rear with the counter balance weight to the front is infinitely better. It isn't even a close...
  6. S

    How Did You Set Up Your SEB NEO?

    Do you have the Michael Rattigan optioned Seb Rest? If you don't, give Mike a call. He recommends the short arm be pointed towards the shooter and employs the counter balance weight opposite the shooter. If you use the rest as he recommends, you will quickly learn to love the entire set-up...
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    Scope choice for .22 BR

    You've discovered something very important. Better equipment can make you aware of additional things to pay attention to. Without the better glass, you wouldn't have been aware that your breathing and trigger squeeze needed better technique.
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    Scope choice for .22 BR

    My opinion only, but in a word "no". 32X is not to much power at 25M. I would tend to go with as much power as I can get. The only reason for less power would be to deal with mirage.
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    North American Rimfire Postal Matches- A New way to have fun!

    I'm told that there are matches every month. In the winter months there are just fewer competitors.
  10. S

    Where to find/ Who to build benchrest rifle?

    Bob - I'm located in Western Iowa. Jim
  11. S

    Where to find/ Who to build benchrest rifle?

    I have had some success with benchrest competition at our local club. That being said, local is A LOT easier than competing in sanctioned matches. If I want to move up to attempt competing at a higher level, I would like to know how I go about upgrading my rifle. From what I have learned from...
  12. S

    Attack of the 40X

    I would appreciate an answer to this question also. Inquiring minds - - - - - - ?