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    Thank you very Much George, Thank you for all of your help getting me started making bullets. Your products are of the highest standard and your guidance has been invaluable. Hope to see you at the range. Thank you again, Leon Noel
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    Sad news scott smith

    Very sad news Scott was one of the true gentlemen of our sport. He always put others ahead of himself. He is a true friend and he will be missed.
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    Suggested starting charge weight I am interested in trying 10x. What have you found for a starting charge weight?
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    wilbur..i did not think this was humor, so i put it here,,

    Nailed it I could not agree more
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    Dave Woodward for president

    Dave Woodward for President I think Dave would make an Outstanding President of the NBRSA. He would get my vote.
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    NBRSA and good standing members

    Waiting game With diminishing hope I and the rest of the membership await response from the NBRSA leadership. There appears to be a waiting game afoot with the hope that we will tire and go back under our mushrooms. We cannot let this die on the vine! BZ to Scott and I look forward to...
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    NBRSA and good standing members

    Well stated Mr. White. I am concerned that only one side is being presented. When are we going to hear the facts supporting the BOD decision? The letter Rodney received only spoke in general terms. We all need a much finer point put to these accusations. Otherwise are we only welcome as NBRSA...
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    NBRSA and good standing members

    A New Shooter's thoughts Looking at all that is happening I wonder just how bad the damage is that we are doing to ourselves as an organization? We have seen several requests for the facts yet none have been provided. This is concerning to me as well as others with questions that remain...
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    Firewalker results?

    Firewalker Does anyone have pics of the Firewalker results?