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  1. J

    Rem. 700 .223 bolt assembly needed

    Ahh yes, the old and popular "Dremel" debacle Jim
  2. J

    My latest “project” restoring a large vintage steam engine Governor

    Yes thanks for that . I seem to think the phrase had to do with aircraft (multi-engine) throttle levers, just my memory
  3. J

    In My Tool Box

    I've got one of those but haven't used it in years, it came with my Starret indiicator. Interesting but looking through my tool box, I found the oruiginal sales receipt for all of the tools I bought at the local Ace Hardware store dated 6/6/62, just when I started my apprenticeship. Still have...
  4. J

    reamer chatter - undersized o.d. non-standard bushing i.d.

    That's how I do it, one pass and change to a new wrap
  5. J


    What is the difference between the 6.5x55 Swede and the 6.5x55 Lapua SE? Are the rounds interchangeable?
  6. J

    Regulation Interpretation

    reg all, I got an undeliverable msg on your email
  7. J

    Regulation Interpretation

    I have a printout of the ATF interpretation of manufacturing furnished by the ATF if anyone wants a copy let me know your email. Jim
  8. J


    I don't do much with the older stuff, mostly working rifles and shotguns. With that in mind, most of my finishes are tung-oil-urethane type matte finish, nothing high polish. Thanks for asking and nice to know there are a few folks who read this thread. I see it is not dead
  9. J


    What the H happened here?
  10. J

    Question for old gunsmiths

    You need to pull back the cocking piece and put a dime between it and the bolt shroud. Then depress the plunger on the left side while you unscrew the whole thing from the bolt. The current safety lever needs to be in the "fire" position to unscrew it.
  11. J

    22WRFM chambering

    What about the Ruger Single-Six with two cylinders and only one barrel?
  12. J

    22WRFM chambering

    I've been tasked with fitting and chambering a barrel in 22wrfm (22 Mag). Client send a 22Rf barrel. I understand there is a difference in the bore diameter of these. Do they make a reamer with the correct pilot size to use the 22rf barrel and chamber to 22wrfm and what are the consequences...
  13. J

    My new reamer

    I thnik I've heard that one before, grinding the secondary relief on the back side of the cutting edge, correct? Or is it someone's idea of a joke
  14. J

    Phase converter

    Having a problem with my phase converter... Replaced it after a number of years of good use only to have one fail. Installed another, burned out the capacitor. New one now gives e a stall and growl when turning it on, anyone know anything about this. It is used on an older Bridgeport with a 3...
  15. J

    Chamber Burrs

    Cutting oil/fluid?
  16. J

    Been Doing A Big Job For Past Three Days

    Now, how do you get the prop shaft in with the bearings pressed in there? How much clearance between shaft and bearing and what keeps out the water?
  17. J

    Been Doing A Big Job For Past Three Days

    How do you feed that boring bar? Handwheel?
  18. J

    I Feel, and Look Like I went One Round With George Foreman

    This kind of hit home! WOuld you mind elaborating a bit on the symptoms and why you went with this in the first place, A PM would suffice, thanks
  19. J

    What caused this

    Too much material hanging out of the chuck? No tailstock center?
  20. J

    Anybody need a Bridgeport variable speed mill?

    sounds like a helluva bargain.