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    Happy Birthday Walt! 90 years young!

    I hope you can use this special day of yours to reflect on the achievements you have made over the decades. You are truly an inspiration figure to us! Happy Birthday, Walt. Larry White
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    Central Utah LV/HV Results

    Four Gun Culmination One has to enjoy these end-of-season four gun shoot-offs! We have three more here in the mid-west, which will end our season: Billings, MT, Porcupine, SD, & Grand Junction, CO. Fortunately, friend and major competitor, Rodney Brown can compete in all of them - by...
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    NBRSA and good standing members

    T. Wilson. Truman, you smacked the nail head dead center! Larry
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    Rodney Brown Wins the Purple Haze!

    Damn - senility again. Let's change "there" to "their", how 'bout... Larry
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    Rodney Brown Wins the Purple Haze!

    With "assistance" of horizontal rain, pelting hail, cold, lightning, and mud to our clavicles, Rodney Brown "surfaced" to win the 10th Purple Haze! Wished I had my phone to post the results, but think it is under mud somewhere... Tom Stiner (Match Director), Dan Dowling & target crew put...
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    A warning for all NBRSA Members

    Belay that.... Obstinate. Larry
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    A warning for all NBRSA Members

    Obstnate... Way to go Lee, when you have no basis for an argument, abuse the plaintiff. Whiskey, Tango, Foxtrot! Larrry
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    NBRSA and good standing members

    Optimism Optimism is the madness of insisting that all is well, when we are miserable...Voltaire. Rodney, I sure am glad it wasn't more serious - we might not have got your body back...especially if we were going to bury it in the "west". Larry
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    NBRSA and good standing members

    Mischief, thou art afoot... Anyone with a smidgen of leadership experience realizes that the not-so-tidy leadership guidelines utilized here combine: Autocracy, Manson's Law of Avoidance, & the Peter Principle. This type of leadership will be responded to by folks (with at least a Forrest...
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    NBRSA and good standing members

    Hachigan, social media, alias, see ya & ad nauseam... Want to dispel Hachigan's cheeky innuendos that some of us depend on the "social media" for facts as regards our objections to Rodney's excommunication from the NBRSA. Let me begin by asking Lee how many times within the past year that he...
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    NBRSA and good standing members

    Gary, I agree! At the risk of sounding sycophantic, I have never heard Rodney (even in the middle of this nefarious mess) say one negative word against NBRSA. Secondly, as a returning benchrest shooter (after forty years), no one spent more time in helping me get back into the game - and with...
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    Ault CO Unlimited 10/5

    Dad, you can take a bow, too! Cliff, I've watched you work hard and long to keep good horses under Brandon, and if this country had more fathers like you, we'd be far better off. Brandon you love dad with all your heart - forever! Larry
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    .750 J4 jackets.

    Berger's .750 J4 Jackets. Gerry; Need your phone # as well. Thanks, Larry White
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    Big Sky Country LV, HV Fall Match

    Yellowstone Rifle Club in Billings, MT hosted their Aug 27/28 match with a typical Big Sky weather format allowing opportunities for human error... LV 5 Shot 100 Yds: Larry White .2860 Ryan Lienemann .2902 Richard Lynn .2930 Richard Debick .3246...
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    Lands End Unlimited 10 shot ,Sporter 7/23/16 - 7/24/16

    2016 Cactus Jr. winner, too. Wasn't too long ago that Brandon stood up at the bench to shoot (see early PR cover); now swages his own bullets, and readily tunes a load. Moreover, this young man has his sights on the Air Force Academy (already) and is working on the academic and public service...
  16. 1

    Northern Colorado Benchrest SP/HV Match Results of 11 - 12 June

    Sporter 100 Yds Rodney Brown .2386 Tom Evans .2418 Bud Shalles .2476 Jeff Anderson .2488 LuAnn Dill .2628 Sporter 200 Yds Rodney Brown .2644 Larry White .2944 Bud Shalles...
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    Arizona LV - HV Day 1

    lv agg, hv agg, 3 gun, 4 gun
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    Arizona LV - HV Day 1

    100 yard Results
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    28th Annual Firewalker - Northern Colorado Benchrest Club

    "Thanks!" A really superb Firewalker, thanks to Bud Schalles, his lovely wife, Judy; and his range crew. This accolade wouldn't be complete without commenting on Rodger Tillery's tireless efforts to turn out a perfect steak - moreover, Friday eve before the match, Rodger made a special trip to...
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    Land's End (Grand Junction, CO) SP/UNL 10, 18,19 July

    Tom Stiner, Dan Dowling & crew pulled out the stops to put on a super, weekend SP/UNL 10 Match - however, they couldn't hold off a Sat from hell, as rain & wind gust of over 20mph pelted all. Sunday, however, was a "laid-back", shooter friendly day We were most grateful! UNL 100yd Larry White...