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    Tack Driver II Article Article link
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    Potential new world record set at Charlene's Meadow

    Good Shooting Brooke! Bart
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    Manny Garcia Has Passed

    Mannys Obituary
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    Manny Garcia Has Passed

    Danny Boy sent this and said feel free to share with BR crowd Please feel free to share this info: Friday January 17 (4-7pm)- viewing at Buxton-Bass Funeral Home in Okeechobee Saturday January 18- 11:00 funeral service at Sacred Heart Catholic Church to be followed by procession to the cemetery...
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    Manny Garcia Has Passed

    God Bless Manny and his Family Manny was the greatest man I’ve ever known, standing all of 5 ft 3 inches tall, he was a giant. He selflessly cared for so many people! When he heard my wife was having some difficulty with her pregnancy, Manny was all over it! He was on the phone with us and our...
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    Manny Garcia Has Passed

    Receive notification from Kristina that Manny has passed away tonight. He fought very hard but is now at peace and struggling no more. God Bless Manny and his Family! Bart
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    Prayers for Manny Garcia

    Update on Manny Hi Bart, I showed Dad your video and he responded well. He is unable to communicate due to the breathing tube that has been inserted down his throat. Dad is very sick and has a very difficult struggle ahead of him. Please continue to keep him in your prayers… Thank you so...
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    Prayers for Manny Garcia

    Update on Manny’s condition from Kristina! My dad’s spirits were certainly lifted as I read him all of the well-wishing posts from “his brothers.” Thanks to all!! He got through the night pretty well and seems to feel ok this morning. He even shared one of his hunting stories with the morning...
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    Prayers for Manny Garcia

    Manny has been there for so many of us over the years. At Manny’s sick call at matches he’s literally treated thousands of shooters( of course no charge). Manny is the kindest, gentlest and most caring human being I’ve ever known. Like Charlie said, there are a lot of good men in Benchrest, but...
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    Prayers for Manny Garcia

    Manny’s having heart problems and is currently in the hospital. Below is an update from Kristina his daughter! Let’s send prayers his way for a speedy and full recovery! Bart Hi Bart, dad is somewhat stable. Three of his major arteries are blocked; hence a triple bypass surgery is needed...
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    River bend shoot 9/14-9/15 Give this a try! Bart
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    Bullet Jackets

    Guys, I didn’t intend to put this thread on BR Central’s board to turn it into a swap meet. Michael I am happy to discuss possible orders by call or email as listed above. Thanks Bart
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    Bullet Jackets

    I don’t have a distributor in Canada, but if you go to my website and look under exports they can help you get bullets. Bart
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    Bullet Jackets

    Guys, I’m getting Hines Precision Jackets back in the game. We are looking at running 6MM .820 30 Cal .925 30 Cal 1.000 With a March delivery date! Also considering tweaking and running 6MM 1.150 depending on demand Reserve your Jackets now! You can email me at or...
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    Sad, Sad News -- Very Sad

    Wilbur, I am so sorry! Our thoughts and prayers are with you! Bart
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    Jeff Graves wins 2018 Brady Knight Mem, Don Hardeman wins HV Grand, Gary Sullivan SOY

    Congratulations Jeff! Great Shooting a dominant performance! Big Congratulations goes to Don “The Beast” Hardeman! Winning HV 200 and HV Grand! Big Congratulations to Strangler for winning SER SOY! Bart
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    262 or 268 necks for 6mm PPC

    Gene, I’ve got one just about like that except with a Improved 40 degree shoulder! Bart
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    262 or 268 necks for 6mm PPC

    Jerry, I decided it was time to switch when i was setting at the bench and I could see my bullets growing. To the point a couple came completely out of the neck sitting on top of the powder. I let Billy shoot the .268 for a year before I switched just to be sure there were no problems...